`Scream 3′ making big noise

In “Scream 3,” the movie’s heroine asks a detective what he knows about trilogies. He answers, “In the third one, all bets are off.” All bets are on that the latest entry in the “Scream” franchise will fare as well as its predecessors. After opening last Friday, “Scream 3” went on to gross $34.7 million in its first weekend–more than all the rest of the films in the top 10 combined.

DiCaprio says he’s not lazy, just choosy

Just a couple of years ago, Leonardo DiCaprio was the world’s most famous movie star. The actor will test the waters again with “The Beach,” which opens Friday. In the February issue of Premiere, DiCaprio, 25, comes across not as the party boy that the tabloids present, but as a young man who takes his craft seriously–though not himself.

Have no date? Take heart

For those of you lucky enough to have loving, significant others, Valentine’s Day is a dream come true. But for the rest of us, it’s a dreaded night second only to New Year’s Eve. The expectations are so high that disappointment is as likely as anything else. Not only are we supposed to have a date, but it’s supposed to be with the perfect guy. And we can’t just go out for a nice meal. It has to be a special meal.

“Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

Former Chicagoan Bob Bass lost his chance to become a millionaire. And he wants a second shot at it. As a contestant on last week’s highly popular game show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire,” Bass was asked which U.S. president was the youngest at his inauguration. He answered John F. Kennedy. The show maintains that the correct answer is Theodore Roosevelt.

Law looks good on Paper

Not sure whether Jude Law is the most handsome man alive? Then check out the photos of Law in the February issue of Paper. If they don’t convince you, the story–which obsesses on the actor’s good looks–probably will. Law, who was the best thing about the overwrought Matt Damon flick “The Talented Mr. Ripley,” says that fame hasn’t eased his schedule any.