Morton finds directing to her liking

There are times when Amy Morton would rather not be directing_like when she perceives that her actors don’t like her. Never mind that it’s all in her head.
Journalist, Author & Syndicated Columnist
There are times when Amy Morton would rather not be directing_like when she perceives that her actors don’t like her. Never mind that it’s all in her head.
Brian Liesegang, front man for American Sunshine and former member of Nine Inch Nails and Filter, lives in Lincoln Park.
Whether it’s delicate houndstooth or bold tartan, plaid is back and it’s making a high-fashion statement. Forget the image of Steve Martin in a mismatched plaid, polyester suit on “Saturday Night Live.” Today’s plaid is showing up in shoes and handbags, as well as skirts and tops.
What the Spice Girls want–what they really, really want–is another hit album. But if early sales reports are any indication, their latest record “Forever” isn’t going to cut it.
Forget about 1,000 points of light. Michigan Avenue will glow with a million holiday lights when the ninth annual Magnificent Lights Festival kicks into gear Saturday.
As a 12-year-old in 1952, Bernard Shaw already was honing the skills that would make him one of the country’s top journalists. With his polite demeanor, intelligence and persistence, the scrappy kid from Chicago finessed his way into the Democratic Party convention_a feat he repeated four years later.
“God, Sex & Apple Pie” is being marketed as the next “Big Chill.” “Little Shiver” is more like it.
Two bicyclists, a chair and a tightrope. No, that’s not the name of a new ABC sitcom, but the components of the most thrilling act at this year’s Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus, which opened Wednesday night at Allstate Arena. Madrid’s Quiros High Wire troupe easily stole the show–not a simple feat considering the competition, which included dancing horses, impeccably trained elephants and the freakishly talented acrobat who, suspended from the ceiling by just her hair, juggled flaming batons.