Apolo Anton Ohno

Before the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics in February, few people outside of the speedskating world knew of Apolo Anton Ohno. But NBC clearly saw star potential in the photogenic athlete. The network ran promos for his short track races and kept viewers up to date on all things Ohno. Before he had raced his first heat, the 19-year-old former in-line skater from Seattle was on his way to becoming a worldwide sensation.

Five questions with Kyle Brandt

Kyle Brandt looks exactly the way he does on “The Real World”: tall, athletic, handsome and–yes–very much like the actor he says he wants to become. Wearing faded jeans and an Abercrombie & Fitch T-shirt during his interview with GLARE, the muscular member of the Chicago cast is flanked by a publicist and his adorable 11-year-old brother Austin.

Give your wedding a perfect photo finish

Jeanne Farnan knew she wouldn’t cut corners on photography for her wedding day. “My [husband] and I splurged on the photos because we knew we might not remember everything from our wedding, but the pictures would be forever,” says Farnan, 25, who was married earlier this month. “I remember being a bridesmaid and all the pictures from that wedding looked so posed.” Like many modern brides, Farnan didn’t want her wedding album filled with dated photos that could’ve been taken at her parents’ wedding.

Sorvino triumphs in life, love and film

In “Triumph of Love,” Mira Sorvino portrays a princess who falls in love with the rightful heir to her father’s throne. Because he has been taught to hate her, she schemes to befriend him (dressed as a boy, of course). In real life, the Oscar winner didn’t have to try nearly as hard to win the heart of her boyfriend of three years, French actor Olivier Martinez. They were set up on a blind date.

Andie MacDowell not ‘Crush’-proof

As she nears her 44th birthday on April 21, Andie MacDowell is a testament to how good you can look in your 40s. She stands almost 6 feet tall, only 5-foot-8 of that thanks to genetics. The other 4 inches are the result of a pair of shoes so sassy and beautiful they’d be at home on one of the ladies on “Sex and the City.”

Looking for a quick score

I am a single woman in a room filled with 56 available men. I could not be happier. Well, yes, I could–but there’s not much I legally can do about the 55 other women scoping out my potential dates. Welcome to FastDater, where the rules are simple and the dates are, well, fast. Three minutes, to be exact. “Date” is a misleading word, actually. What we embark on is more a series of get-to-know-ya interviews. Name. Age. Occupation. Buzz! Time to move on to the next interrogator, er, date.

‘N Sync shoots for stars but misses

It’s obvious ‘N Sync has spent quite a bit of money on its tour. In the first of two consecutive nights Thursday at the Allstate Arena, the world’s most popular boy band captured its young audience’s attention with a series of flashy explosions, a handful of costume changes and a slew of hit songs. Still, something was lacking from this concert. Or, perhaps it wasn’t that the boys were missing anything but that they were trying to do too much.