By Jae-Ha Kim
Chicago Sun-Times
July 29, 2004
It’s every kid’s dilemma each school year. What should they wear that will satisfy their parents’ need for modesty but also pique their classmates’ interest?
In a word — denim. Just remember, a little denim goes a long way, so spread the wealth and don’t wear your new denim jacket, pants and hat all together.
“Denim is crazy popular right now,” says Jorge Ramon, fashion director at Teen People. “It is an amazing part of the young person’s back-to-school wardrobe. It’s all about the jeans this season. What’s great is you can get jeans at totally affordable prices.”
Celebs such as Cameron Diaz always are looking for the newest trend. Diaz’s favorite jeans these days are a low-rise pair by Mogg. Boasting larger back pockets that give the illusion of a smaller backside, they carry a $149 price tag that’s fine for her, but much too steep for most schoolchildren. But by looking around in stores, you can get the same effect with JCPenney’s Bisou Bisou line or Target’s Mossimo at just a fraction of the cost — $29.99.
Back in the 1980s, it was all about the designer labels. Today it’s all about the details. Not that today’s designers haven’t taken a cue from the Gloria Vanderbilts and Sergio Valentes of the past.
Like those two fashion icons, jeans makers are using the fanciest stitching on the pockets. Trendy designers such as Seven for All Mankind even use multicolored stitching to create a ’70s feel without making it look too retro.
Overalls and carpenter pants are back, too. But the fit is more modern and less boxy. Girls especially will want to look for a pair of overalls that will skim their bodies rather than overwhelm them with a voluminous fit.
Girls would be wise to leave their supershort skirts for weekends at the beach. For school, try a short-sleeved shirt and cardigan with a tiered or A-line denim skirt. Your favorite (and clean!) sneaks or sandals are a comfortable way to make your back-to-school entrance.
Don’t wear completely dark blue jeans. The “in” look this season is worn-in vintage.
Don’t wear pants with rips in the knees. That’s so 1990s. The bigger trend this year is perfectly imperfect jeans — a frayed pocket here, a bit of aged fading there.
Don’t wear head-to-toe denim unless you want to look like an extra from “That ’70s Show.” It’ll overwhelm you, and everyone else who has to look at you. Instead, try pairing a denim blazer with a pair of beige corduroys or a pair of blue jeans with a kicky retro concert T-shirt.