“EZ Streets”

The difference between right and wrong isn’t easily distinguishable on EZ Streets, a compelling and sophisticated crime drama that lasted just one season on CBS. As a former cop tells his son, “You can only be betrayed by the people you trust.” Ken Olin stars as Detective Cameron Quinn. After his partner is gunned down with $10,000 missing, both of them are pegged as dirty cops.

Gasping for air: David Blaine stunting

There used to be a time when magicians were happy to pull a rabbit out of their hats. These days they don’t seem to be pleased unless they’ve tortured themselves to the top of the ratings. Which brings us to David Blaine, the attention-loving Gen Y magician who doesn’t mind being buried alive, frozen, or drowned–all for the sake of good TV, or at least good ratings.

Big hair affair: Remembering ‘Dynasty’

Last night’s Yankees vs. Red Sox battle had nothing on the tiffs that’ll be rehashed on CBS’s “Dynasty: Catfights and Caviar,” a reunion show of sorts that airs at 10 tonight. The knockdown fights between big-hair sporting Alexis Carrington Colby (Joan Collins) and Krystle Carrington (Linda Evans) are the stuff of primetime soap operas.   


As an international port of call, Singapore is the embarking point for many top-end cruise lines, such as the Regent Seven Seas voyage through Australasia. And savvy travelers looking to overcome jet lag before boarding their cruise ships are starting their trips off in Singapore, where they can get their bearings and enjoy a few days basking in a shopper’s paradise. Fashionistas in the know will tell you that Beverly Hills’ Rodeo Drive has nothing on Singapore’s tony Orchard Road.