By Jae-Ha Kim
May 4, 2013
May the 4th be with you. 🙂 Just bought the kid “Star Wars” lightsaber shoes (at 25% off!) that switch from red to green flashing lightsabers. They’re pretty awesome and he loves them. Also, I bought him: a pair of open-toe sandals, a pair of close-toe sandals and a pair of black Converse sneaks.
He’s still not done wearing his two pairs of Baby Gap slip-on shoes, white leather sneakers, flip flops and blue rainboots.
So, for now, his shoe bin is crammed with 9 pairs of shoes/boots in an assortment of colors and design. (I’ve put away both pairs of his faux fur-lined winter boots, which will be too small for him to wear come wintertime.)
What’d I get for myself? Nothing. Oh wait, that’s not true. The mall was having a promotion. If you brought in a receipt that proved you purchased more than $100 worth of merchandise, you got to pick out a lush box of chocolates at our local chocolatier. YUMMY! Score! I win! I’m the BEST!
Yes, I know: Boring post, this is.
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