Congrats to winners Ricky C. of San Francisco and Matthew S. of Boston. Justin Roberts’ publicist has mailed you the CD! I hope your children enjoy the music! Thanks for entering the contest!
For this week’s contest, I’ve teamed up with Justin Roberts. And we’re giving away two copies of the Grammy-nominated kid-friendly musician’s new CD, “Recess,” which is currently in stores. Click on the photo to get instructions! It’s easy and fun!
1) LIKE my Facebook page. Then, leave a comment for me on my wall so that I know you’re entering this contest.
2) Follow me on Twitter and tweet this message: “Follow @GoAwayWithJae & RT for chance to win Justin Roberts’ CD RECESS: #giveaway”
That’s it. Easy peasy, right?
I’ll pick two winners at random at 11 p.m. CST July 31, 2013.
NOTE: Unfortunately, this contest is open only to U.S. residents. The CDs will be mailed directly to you from the label publicist. Good luck! And thanks for stopping by.