Two Dollars

Two Dollars by Jae-Ha Kim

By Jae-Ha Kim
November 29, 2014

My son has a tiny wallet. It’s a miniature version of his dad’s. He carries around a couple bucks, ’cause you know, it might come in handy.

Usually, he says he wants to buy a Nerf gun. Usually, I say, “No.”

We were at the store today picking up some groceries. A full cartload, actually. As the cashier was ringing up our items, I looked back to see an elderly gentleman holding just one object: a pie. He wasn’t impatient or annoyed, but I could see that he was tired. There were no other lanes open and I hated the idea of him having to stand there to wait for us.

So I asked the cashier to add the pie onto my bill so that he could be on his way.

I know this makes me sound like I’m bragging, because just by repeating it, I am. And that’s not a gracious way to do something nice.

But this is the part I want to really brag about: The gentleman took two dollar bills out of his wallet and gave them to my son. He patted my little guy on the head, thanked us and told us to have a nice weekend. I asked Kyle what he was going to do with his money. Perhaps save it for a new toy? And this is what he said: “No, Mommy. I’m going to keep it in my wallet so that I can do something nice for someone. It feels really good making people happy.”

My heart. My son. ♥

© 2014 JAE-HA KIM | All Rights Reserved

34 thoughts on “Two Dollars”

    1. Oh, Claire, I have my moments when you don’t want anyone to emulate me! I’m so glad that he seems to filter those moments out and concentrate on my better moments. 😉 xxoo

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