By Jae-Ha Kim
June 15, 2017
This is for the A.R.M.Y! I wanted to do something fun and special for you… and this is my (small) way of thanking you for giving such amazing feedback on my Rap Monster column and sharing it with hundreds of thousands of people. Thank you! Obrigida!
tldr: I am giving away some copies of my newspaper article and a copy of my book about the TV show, “Friends.” (Read the rest of this post for the details.)
A few weeks ago, I interviewed Rap Monster for my syndicated column, which runs weekly in publications across the United States (e.g. Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Orlando Sentinel etc.). The interview ran online first.
And then this past weekend, it was published in my hometown newspaper, the Chicago Tribune:
The interview was edited for space in the newspaper, but the longer version is archived on my website here.
One of the bits that didn’t make it into the print version was a conversation that Rap Monster and I had about the NBC sitcom, “Friends.” Nam-Joon said his mother was responsible for him learning to speak English so well. She bought him DVDs of the series so that he could immerse himself in the English language.
Coincidentally, I wrote the first book about the TV show. We talked a bit about our love of “Friends.” Here’s a snippet of that conversation:
Audio PlayerAnyhow… I had promised Nam-Joon that I would send him my book and a copy of the newspaper article.
I thought it would be fun to do the same for a member of the BTS A.R.M.Y.
So here’s what I’m offering:
I will send one (1) winner the same package that I am shipping to Nam-Joon — my “Friends” book and the Chicago Tribune newspaper article. (That’s my son in the photo above, checking out the items that I will send to Rap Monster.)
Five (5) runners up will get the newspaper article that ran in the Chicago Tribune.
All winners will be picked at random via Rafflecopter and announced on Monday, June 19, 2017.
BTW, at the end of our interview, I mentioned to Rap Monster that my son had wanted to skip part of school so that he could sit in on the interview. I said, “No.”
This contest is open to everyone. I will personally ship the prizes worldwide. The packages should reach U.S. residents within 7 to 10 business days. It could take up to 4 weeks or more to reach fans overseas.
In the event that one of the winners doesn’t respond within 48 hours, an alternate runner up may be selected.
Please note that I am not responsible for lost packages or returned mail.
Also, as you can see from my website, I don’t accept advertisements or monetize my page in any way. So any information that you input will be used solely for this giveaway. You will not be added to any mailing lists (I don’t even have one!) or contacted unless you are one of people who have won a prize.
Have fun! I wish I could send something to every single one of you. Truly!
ETA: Unfortunately, I don’t have enough tearsheets to send to all the A.R.M.Y. members. But, would you like a .pdf file of the column? If so, you may view (or download) it here (for free).
Thank you ♥ 고맙습니다 ♥ Obrigada ♥ ありがとうございました ♥ Gracias ♥ 谢谢 ♥ Terima kasih ♥ धन्यवाद ♥ Salamat ♥ Tack
© 2017 JAE-HA KIM | All Rights Reserved
Omggg he sounds wonderful ;w;
Thank you soo much for writing and interviewing Namjoon!! We ARMYs are always so grateful when people take the time to be kind to them, and get to know them because they are truly a magical group. Thank you sincerely. Your article was my favorite out of all the U.S interviews BTS did (maybe because it was Namjoon
) Again, thank you!
You’re such a wonderful person doing this giveaway for ARMYs. Thank you so much!
Once again thank you very much for this amazing interview and for being so kind with ARMY!! ^^
I’m from Mexico (ARMY is everywhere), I can speak spanish and english, and I want to learn japanese!
This is really adorable. Thanks for offering us this precious giveaway. Hope you can interview BTS many more times. Kisses from Brazil <3
Thank you very much for interviewing Namjoonie! You were so sweet with us too, I’m really thankful! I’m an ARMY from Brazil!
Ahh! He sounds so great! You’re such a genuine and wonderful person for even bothering to post these behind the scenes
Thank you for interviewing him and writing such a positive column, love you!
I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was like he was talking to me on the phone. Thank you very much for this audio.
Kiss from Brazil.
Oh… about the giveaway, I speak portuguese, english and on my way to learn Korean
Thank you for the interview and giveaway. You are really kind
I’m from Argentina and I can speak Spanish, English and I started learning Korean this year.
Hi. Thank you for the giveaway. Your article is amazing! Send my regards to your son
Hi, Jae (Jae-Ha?) I’m really happy not only about this interview but your genuine interest and kindness. It really makes it a whole lot better when interviewers can connect with their interviewees and despite not hearing much dialogue from you during the interview, I could tell how comfortable you were with each other just like friends (Friends? pun intended haha). It’s nice to see people we admire in a different light like this and I really got a good taste of how Namjoon views things (He mentioned Brazil again, I guess we have that effect on people LOL). I really liked the questions. I think you have charm for this kind of thing! You seem like a very genuine and kind person. I’m glad this could happen! Oh! Anyway…
I’m Rebeca from Brazil (live in US tho) and I speak Portuguese, English, and Spanish fluently, conversational German and am learning Japanese and Korean. I can also understand a lot of Italian due to the similarities between Spanish and Portuguese. I love languages! Watching TV shows of every language really does help in more ways than one haha.
Thank you so much and I look forward to more. Take care! Obrigado
Thanks for interviewing Namjoon and of course thanks for the giveaway. I’m from Malaysia. I know 2 languages, English and Bahasa. I did learned a little bit of Korean, mandarin and Arabic. I wish to continue learning mandarin and Arabic and of course Korean when I have time in the future. Again, thanks for the giveaway! I really appreciate it
Hello. I’m happy to see that you interviewed Rap Monster. I love him and he deserved this interview. Last but not least, I live in Sacramento, California and I can speak English and my native language which is Hmong.
Omg thank you so much for this !! Also thanks for caring so much about RM you don’t know how much he means to me and honestly all of ARMY all over the world

Hi! I’m Carla and I am from Peru but live in the US. I know Spanish and English, however I am currently learning Korean. I lived in Japan for 4 years and know some Japanese, well at least to get by! Lol!! Good luck to everyone and thank you for doing this to all dedicated ARMY!!
Hi there! This article is beautifully written and of course, rap mon is such an inspiration to all of us. I’ve been admiring this man since I first discover about them which is two years ago. The way he said “Go to school kyle” is so adorable haha
About the giveaway,I hope I could win this, it would be an honor to have your book and also the article
I’m Tira from Malaysia,I can speak English,Malay, and Indonesian.I’m currently learning Korean and Mandarin (I still need to improve a lot but I’m progressing!). I also know a few of Japanese words bcs I took a short course for that.To everyone, Goodluck for this giveaway and may your days filled with happiness 

I loved this article so much, is very kind of you making a giveaway tho. Lots of love

Thanks so much for doing this! I loved the article. Others have said it already, but it really was one of the best and most interesting.
As for languages, I speak English, French, and I’m studying Korean right now.
Thanks again!
Thank you for be so sweet and thoughtful about us !!! You did a really great job with RapMon’s interview and I don’t knwo how to expresse to you how happy your work makes me feel , so I just can keep hoping to see you interviewing all BTS members in their next US show
The interview questions were so thought-provoking and personal that even though I thought I “knew” a lot about Rap Monster already, I walked away from this article learning more, and wanting to get to know more about him-which is what I think constitutes a great interview. So thank you so much for the insightful interview! PS Hi Kyle! Listen to your mom- she’s always right!