By Jae-Ha Kim
August 13, 2018
Mansplaining is, at its core, a very specific thing. It’s what occurs when a man talks condescendingly to someone (especially a woman) about something he has incomplete knowledge of, with the mistaken assumption that he knows more about it than the person he’s talking to does. — Merriam-Webster
I give you, Eli.
I didn’t say one word to him until he started harassing some of my Twitter followers. This is the tweet that set him off…
But … I hadn’t judged anyone. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This is what I had said:
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 13, 2018
© 2018 JAE-HA KIM | All Rights Reserved
lmao He’s now telling an Asian man how to feel.
He really has no idea what he’s talking about. He’s not Asian and I guess he’s sort of a man, but he still doesn’t know what an Asian man feels like. So instead of talking over Richard, why doesn’t he just listen.
Your sentiment isn’t horrible but it’s misguided. The majority of Americans do not watch Korean films and dramas. Therefore they have no idea who these Korean actors are. So Richard’s view is correct. Asian men are still emasculated and not thought of as handsome, leading men.
This is all very complex. As pointed out white skin was a class issue before colonialism. Colonialism exacerbated whiteness as signifier of privilege and beauty. This is found elsewhere. My students tell me this is the same in India & Nigeria especially in entertainment industry.
Here’s the thing. Most cultures around the world favor light skin. This includes people who have very little if any contact with Westerners or Western media. I’m not saying it’s good, but it goes much further beyond colonialism. Attraction is a natural phenomenon.
Yes, that certainly is the case. With attraction, I think we learn that certain attributes are more attractive than others. I come from a social constructivist position so I would always question things that seem to be natural or are taken 4 granted. It is a theoretical position
So, can people learn to be gay? If so, is it possible to “pray it away” since it’s a learned behavior? See the rabbit whole we create with this?
Not the same thing. You can’t collapse them. Binary gender and heterosexuality are norms are constructed through repitition. Other identities are marginal.
Here I would say they don’t learn to be gay but they can be influenced to accept those desires in a way their heterosexual counterparts do not. When puberty hits we get all sorts of desires and our prepubescent desires can turn into sexual things through no choice of our own.
Great point. We accept all other forms of attraction, yet liberals (I am one) immediately demonize people for liking people with light skin. Some people demonize others for liking dark skin. Is that fair? To each his or her own
You are conflating all sorts of issues. I don’t recall anyone demonizing others for liking white skin. You’re the one who’s making a mountain out of a molehill. You’re all pissy because she called you out for being a sexist troll to females. Apologize and get over it.
And stop saying you’re a liberal. Saying you are doesn’t make you one. You sound exactly like those racists who watch Fox News all the time.
What were you doing when you were living in Asia? Military or teaching English and trying to bag an Asian girlfriend?
He actually LIVED in Asia guys. The whole continent of Asia. He obvs knows more about Korea than a woman born and raised in Korea. Eli offers this tidbit to show his knowledge, assuming that Jae is too American to know what’s going on. Then he slams her as not being American like him. Can someone find those tweets before he deletes them?
Here you go fam
She is not. And I would ask again you remove yourself from this thread.
A common problem I see with Americans is that if someone disagrees with them, they are told to leave or go back to where they came from. Though Eli presents himself as woke, he is doing the same thing. You can be an American patriot and not agree with everything that Americans have done up to this point. Case in point: slavery. You can talk about what an awful period of time that was without being unAmerican. I see from previous tweets that Eli sees himself as a social justice warrior who is anti Trump. Can’t one say that he should not be disagreeing with the president of the United States and that if he wants to bash America, he can just leave? As disgraceful as Trump is, he has many followers who would disagree with Eli’s views.
Jae-Ha Kim has said in the past how much she loves America and how glad she is to be an American. She has also said how much she loves Korea and misses her native country. Can’t a person love two countries and also talk about the elements of both countries that need to be addressed? Why does Eli hold her to a different standard than other Americans or himself? I find that hypocritical and shows a lack of empathy for women and minorities. Yes, he says he is Hispanic, but he can still pass for white, which affords him the privilege that many of us other Americans are not graced with.
I had assumed he was an educated man, but a quick google search shows that he is quite educated and has experience living internationally, so it is even more unconscionable that he dismisses women and women of color so quickly when they fail to agree with him.
I do not know if Eli is a good person, but I hope he isn’t a bad one. I would hope that at his age now, he would have the good grace to apologize for being so dismissive.
Eli! Dude! What is wrong with you? Try to stay on topic. You’re so far off the track of the original thread. Japan never performed eyelid surgery on Korean women. An American doctor did that when there was no medical reason to. Sounds to me like he was abusing his power.
What does plastic surgery in Japan have to do with this? It wasn’t a Japanese doctor who introduced plastic surgery to Korea, it was an American plastic surgeon. Stay on track.
Where’s your receipts? When did she bash the U.S.?
Her country? She’s a U.S. citizen you imbecile. Your country? You don’t look native American to me. Racist, sexist troll.
Why don’t you go get some plastic surgery. Also see a therapist to deal with your issues you ugly excuse for a man.
he flips and flops so often i’m surprised he’s not seasick. i usually don’t make fun of looks but he looks like a total douchebag.
A tweet is a tweet. Do you really think she was writing a history of Korean in one tweet? Face it, you’re mad at her because she told you to stop yelling at people and being a jerk to them because YOU think they’re young, female and therefore valueless.
He has like 80 followers and he’s this loud? Not saying smol accounts can’t voice their opinions but he really shouldn’t be tweeting. #estúpido
Pat, why don’t you go play somewhere while the adults are talking. You’ve already proved your weakness by trying to play the race card when it didn’t have to go there.
but eli, you don’t even know what race i am. nice try though. also so glad that your time in asia makes you more of an expert than actual koreans and educated doctors, whose expertise you refute. you are condescending. have a nice day.
Pat, go play with your toys.
can’t argue with facts so you go with your witty banter. lmao show your receipts? what race card?
Fragile toxic masculinity
you did so much deflecting, you think age determines who makes sense, & as you bitch about a non existent race card you bring up gender assuming another was female & you amped on calling one weak to win an argument. A hot ass mess. Get help.
People get surgeries in Korea to appeal to other Koreans. The average Korean man or woman who’s gone through surgery is not trying to be White nor attract a White partner. If she has a problem with the practice, she needs to take that up with Koreans and stop blaming Westerners.
yes but not wanting a white partner doesn’t mean you don’t favour certain parts of “white beauty”. of course over the years it has become integrated into Korean society& become part of Korean beauty standards. We’re not trying to decipher what it is now but trying to decipher what it was in the beginning. And it was used to appeal to white men. That’s why it’s so problematic. If this particular plastic surgery had been for Koreans from Koreans, we would probably not be talking about this issue.
You are just obsessed with the idea that non-Europeans are obsessed with Whiteness. They are not. Koreans are generally already light skinned.
This is not your place to tell Koreans what they do and don’t feel. Even if you lived in Korea for a while, you as a white outsider do not know anything about being Korean. I would suggest you stop with your knee jerk need to be right and listen to people. Plastic surgery and skin whitening in Korea is a real thing and it’s about more than just wanting to look good. Just stop with your bs.
Now I know why Eli is so upset. He’s a wannabe journalist who’s working for a PR firm in Texas. Nothing wrong with PR, but he wanted to be a journalist. I hope he treats his wife better than he does women on the internet.
Eli says he’s a liberal but he’s nothing more than a stupid troublemaking troll. He says he’s not white because he’s hispanic, but he sure looks white to me. Classic case of mansplaining in action. It’s lost on no one that no one agreed with him but he still doubled down on his idiocy.
Eli is the kid in class who is always answering the teacher’s questions but has no idea what he’s saying. And then when the teacher points out his mistakes he just changes his answer and says the teacher misunderstood him. He’s the equivalent of white noise. There, but not meaningful.
I was following this on Twitter last night and assumed he was a Russian bot. I’m still not convinced he’s not. As a white liberal, I don’t claim him. The Conservatives can have him because he does not stand what what I believe. He puts words into people’s mouths that they never said, then makes up lies to support his other lies like claiming you’re not American like him. Get the fuck out you racist troll. He talks over people who have lived through Korean history. He talks over academics who have studied colonialism. The only one he didn’t talk over was another man, where he tried to dude-bro him talking about foot fetishes. Fuck Eli and his kind.
What is wrong with you? Try to stay on topic. You’re so far off the track of the original thread. Japan never performed eyelid surgery on Korean women. An American doctor did that when there was no medical reason to. Sounds to me like he was abusing his power.
Eli shouldn’t speak unless he’s spoken to. No one should speak to him actually.
There are plenty of “men” like Eli who think they know more about everything than women of color. Pay him no mind and keep on being you. I love your writing and how you stick up for the downtrodden. Thank you, Ms. Kim!
The problem with people like Eli isn’t that they’re stupid or racist but that they like to talk loudly about things they know nothing about. He is talking over Koreans with his stupid whining and mocking women in general. Listen when we tell you, the color of your skin in Asia isn’t as simple as, “Oh, that looks fun to have a tan” or “Oh, you’re pale and pretty.” Skin color determines how you will be treated. Why do you think Koreans treat Indians and Cambodians so poorly? Why do you think Koreans treat black visitors worse than white visitors? Before you open you mouth again, think about what you are saying. Listen to what the other person is saying. And then shut the fuck up if you still think you know more than a person who has lived through what you only Googled.
Eli has gone private. I’m wheezing!