By Jae-Ha Kim
June 15, 2019
As BTS continues to branch out into all areas of entertainment, the South Korean group has been pumping fans up for the June 28th release of the mobile game, “BTS World.” Part of BTS‘ campaign has included the release of two singles from the game’s soundtrack. The first was “Dream Glow,” a collaboration with British singer Charli XCX. The second was “A Brand New Day,” featuring Sweden’s Zara Larsson.
Some BTS fans had asked my opinion about the latter and I shared my thoughts:
I know this’ll enrage some people, but here goes: There was no need for a collab on A Brand New Day. V & J-Hope’s voices work so well together for this song, which blends old school Korean music w/modern sensibilities. Zara’s lovely, but superfluous here.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 14, 2019
Many fans had a meh attitude. Some loved the song just as it was. Others wished for something a little different.
But some were livid that I shared an opinion that they viewed as polarizing. Their argument was that my view would somehow change the opinions of fans who liked the song.
Hello? Have you ever met ARMY? BTS’ fans are incredibly diverse in age, race, gender and religion. Not even my strongest supporters are going to change their minds just because I had an opinion that differed from theirs.
This comes up often in fandoms and I can understand why. Fans are passionate about their favorites and when someone says something that they construe as negative — especially from someone they had welcomed as one of them — they might feel a sense of betrayal, even when there was none.
There’s a lot of subtweeting going on that I know about, because some people felt compelled to send me links to these conversations. This is why I close my DMs sometimes. Listen, if someone feels dissatisfied with something I’ve written and will feel better venting about me on their own timelines with their own followers, let them. I support this. They’re minding their own business, so why try to drag me into a conversation they’d rather have amongst themselves?
When stan culture gets in the way of critical thinking, it doesn’t benefit anyone — least of all the groups we love.
Anyhow, I’m going to address some of the most common complaints found on my thread:
“A Brand New Day” is not a single, it’s a song from a soundtrack. It’s not fair to review it without hearing it in the context of the mobile game.
Sharing an opinion on Twitter isn’t the same as critiquing it in a review. The group has been releasing songs prior to the game’s release. I shared an opinion based on hearing the song. To put this into perspective, do you think it’s fair to have an opinion about a song before you see the film it’s featured in? I didn’t need to see “Goldfinger” to love Shirley Bassey’s take on the titular theme song. Same with Carly Simon’s “Nobody Does It Better” (the theme from “The Spy Who Loved Me”). But the song that stands out in my mind is Whitney Houston’s version of “I Will Always Love You,” which was released three weeks prior to the U.S. opening of the film “The Bodyguard.” A great song stands alone, regardless of whether the product it’s in (film, videogame, commercial) is a hit or flop.
Artists have been writing original songs for videogames for a while now. A few examples:
“Grand Theft Auto IV” included the Rapture’s “No Sex for Ben.”
“Sonic Adventure 2” featured Jun Senoue’s “Escape from the City.”
Snoop Dogg’s take on the Doors’ “Riders on the Storm” for “Need for Speed: Underground 2” was one of the more unique and interesting collaborations.
I’ve played all three of these games. Are fans who have no knowledge of these games not allowed to have an opinion about these songs? Some fans may argue that “BTS World” is going to be deeper and richer than the games I’ve listed, so therefore the music will play an instrumental role that can’t be separated from the game itself. That may be true. But we don’t know yet, because the game hasn’t been released.
Stop stating lies as facts.
A lie would be stating that a song sold zero copies when it sold millions. Saying it is the best song you ever heard is a valid opinion. The same goes for saying something is the worst thing you ever heard. One of the best things an editor taught me was that none of us need to qualify our opinions with, “I think.” By stating something, it should be clear that it is our opinion. If I said, “Chocolate is the best dessert,” that’s my opinion. If I said, “Americans eat 35 pounds of chocolate every month,” that is a lie. Except when it pertains to me. (OK, that’s a lie, too. Even I don’t eat that much chocolate.)
So how does this relate to BTS? Some people were annoyed that I said: “There was no need for a collab on ‘A Brand New Day.'” They felt that I shouldn’t spread lies. Where’s. The. Lie? A BTS song doesn’t need anyone else besides BTS. They obviously wanted to work with other people, experiment and grow. Who has an issue with that? Not me. But I’m not a robot that’s programmed to like everything equally. I’m delighted that millions of fans worldwide loved the collaboration. Why does it matter to some people that the collaboration didn’t work for me? Which leads me to …
The antis are going to take what you wrote and use it to trash the band.
The antis don’t need me to do that. They do that already. None of the fandoms are completely innocent. And you know how people tell me that I don’t matter? In the big scheme of things, that is absolutely, 100% true. I am just one voice. Why bother trying to stifle me?
You’re a big account. You shouldn’t be so loud.
I’m not even sure where to begin with this one. I just checked and I have maybe 32k followers on Twitter. Is that more than you? Maybe. But I am not some big muckety-muck celebrity with millions of followers like the Kardashians. There are plenty of fan accounts who have hundreds of thousands of followers more than me. So why am I on Twitter? Because I like interacting with people and I enjoy discussing things with like-minded people. I don’t agree with everything everyone says. Sometimes I speak up. Sometimes I don’t. The criticism I most see is that because I’m a big account, I should never say anything negative about anything because that could reflect badly on __fill in the blank__. Except, I should definitely be negative when they need me, because I have a verified checkmark next to my name and therefore may get noticed by the people whose attention they want me to get the attention of. This is just messed up.
You think you’re special because you have a checkmark next to your name.
I know I’m special … to my family members. And that’s all that really matters to me. It took me a long time to even accept that, because I feel ordinary most of the time. If having a next to your name is the be-all, end-all for you, you can get one, too. How? Put in decades of work into a career that you find of value, use your real name and face on your profile and engage with people in a meaningful way. You don’t have to be a big account. I think Twitter placed the checkmark next to my name when I had only a couple thousand followers.
You should keep your opinions to yourself.
My answer to this is a hard no. I hear this a lot. The people saying this to me (and others) don’t see how ridiculous it is to tell someone to keep quiet, while they don’t hold themselves to that same standard.
You want to cause drama to get attention.
I really don’t. I’m like most people. I don’t enjoy being dragged on the internet. That kind of negative attention isn’t something I seek out. The only kind of drama I’m into is a K-Drama. Seriously. My work appears nationwide in some of the most widely-read publications in the U.S. I’ve been on television. I’ve been on radio. I’ve written books (and have been asked to write more … I’m considering it). I don’t need more attention. Truly.
One last thing: I have heard from so many people who said they agreed with me, but were afraid of saying anything because they feared that other fans would yell at them. These people are just as much of a fan as anyone else. They pay the same amount of money to buy songs, concert tickets and merchandise and spend endless hours streaming. To me, it’s counter-intuitive to think that BTS would prefer that people stayed quiet (out of fear), than to be individuals who spoke out about what was on their mind.
Speak yourself. Honestly, that’s something I’m going to try to do more of in the future.
TMI: I’m having sinus issues and will try to edit out typos etc. in the upcoming days. Also, this isn’t a rebuttal, so much as it is a time capsule of things at this time. Cheers!
© 2019 JAE-HA KIM | All Rights Reserved
Well you were wrong and should’ve kept your opinion to yourself. No one wants to hear about your hate for our boys. Cancelled.
She has written some of the best articles and interviews about BTS out there but you’re too immature to think about that, huh? All she said in that tweet was that the song didn’t need a collaborator. It didn’t. So what? I liked it, she didn’t. So what? Grow up and stop being an embarresment to your boys.
LOL! stargazer: You’re literally an idiot! I hope you’re 11 because any older than that, there is no excuse for this ill thought out comment.
Telling her to keep her opinions to herself LITERALLY goes against everything that BTS stands for. Do you not remember Namjoon’s UN speech? He didn’t say to only speak when you have something nice to say about BTS. BTS would be embarrassed at how immature you are. You’re no better than the Kpoppies you’re constantly making fun of! Shame on you!
“So, let’s all take one more step. We have learned to love ourselves, so now I urge you to “speak yourself.”
“I would like to ask all of you. What is your name? What excites you and makes your heart beat?
“Tell me your story. I want to hear your voice, and I want to hear your conviction. No matter who you are, where you’re from, your skin colour, gender identity: speak yourself.
“Find your name, find your voice by speaking yourself.
Jae maybe you’re using too big of words and sentences for people…maybe dumb it up a little so they may hopefully grasp the concept of an what an opinion is and most importantly The US Constitution 1st Amendment:FREEDOM OF SPEECH
Just saying…
It’s bullshit to release a record that can’t stand on its own merits. It’s either a good song or it’s not. Saying that it’s not fair to review a song without hearing it in context is a copout.
The problem that I see is mainly with the writers. The problem is that too many writers are writing articles about BTS’s music as fans rather than as critics. I’m not even convinced that some writers even like BTS but they write glowing reviews because they are afraid of the fans. The Billboard writers are the worst about this. Their articles read like they are specifically written so they don’t anger A.R.M.Y.
When you get a Pitchfork or a Variety writer who isn’t a stan and doesn’t like everything about BTS, they are attacked simply for not liking BTS’s music. This feeds the fear I think of writers being too scared to actually do their jobs and criticize the band because of the fallout they will get from fans who think they are doing their jobs as fans.
I like Mrs. Kim’s articles because they include so much cultural references that are missing from other articles. But I admit that I have wondered whether she liked them as much as she says she does or if she isn’t a little afraid of A.R.M.Y. like the others.
You are so rite! I can’t be the only one who noticed that all the big accounts stayed away from this. Not one verified person came to show their support. Some may have not agreed with her but I think most were fearful of getting the same treatment. I unfollowed all of them tbh.
That’s not true. A writer from Rolling Stone liked her tweets and I think another writer commented but I can’t remember the specifics. I do think if writers stood up for each other when fans get loud it’d be helpful. But I guess everyone is looking out for themselves and worried they’ll be picked apart next. Sad.
I unfolowed BicheMangtan because of her being a hipocrite. She’s complaining about having lost 100 followers because of this.
That doesn’t have to do with Jae’s tweet so don’t spread rumors. I don’t like her either but she has a right to say what she wants about Jae, just like Jae can say whatever she wants to say.
Like I don’t understand why people are so upset about a stranger not liking something that they do.
I hate both collabs. Charlii’s voice dominates the collab and it’s a weak song in general. A Brand New Day is better but why does she have the main vocals?
Great piece, Jae-Ha. I agree with everything you wrote.
Same. The tweet came off as a little rude but i don’t think she meant it to be and she had every right to say it. But the people who tell her to keep quiet should just stfu. That’s not what ARMYS are about. I love the song and everything about it but would never tell someone who doesn’t like it to stay quiet. That’s just dumb.
There’s nothing wrong with how she worded it. She can’t help it if people are taking what she said and making things up that weren’t said.
Online culture emboldens people to say things they would never say if they weren’t hidden behind an anonymous username. I think there should be online transparency to help weed out the bullies.
I don’t see why you said anything about Zara being not needed. That was unnecessary and immature. Do better, Jae!
They don’t want you to criticize BTS but BTS are kings of criticizing people who’ve wronged them and I love them for it. If Mic Drop and Into:Persona aren’t diss tracks I don’t know what is.
I hate stan culture for exactly this reason. Stans love anyone who says anything nice about their biases. But the minute someone criticizes them the claws come out.
These stans are entitled users. When it suuits there needs, they beg you to take care of problematic people for them all the time because you’re a big account. They know that verified people will see your comments and not theirs. But then when you have an opinion that is different from theirs, they want to silence you. They are users and not true fans. BTS would be ashamed of them.
I’ve been around a long time and this is one reason the general public hates Kpop fans. You have BTS fans claiming they’re not Kpop, as if Kpop is a disease. They will shriek at anyone who doesn’t like their stupid bias. BTS is the best Kpop group out there but some of their songs are horrible. I know Jae gave their latest album a good review but I didn’t like it much. Yet I didn’t feel that crazy urge to drag her over the internet because of it because I’m not crazy.
I laughed when people said, “I’m unfollowing you.” Did they think you were going to change your mind then and say oh please don’t!
Twitter has some of the most condescending bishes on all of the internet. Do you know it’s for a soundtrack? LOL! You probably knew this before they did and they dare to call you out. Keep on doing what you do. You’re great and I support you.
Was it the collab itself that was unnecessary or Larsson performing in it? She was a co-writer. You can’t assume what the song would be like, or if it would even exist, without her involvement as co-creator.
She literally addressed all this in the post. Did you read it before getting loud?
Good song, but I would have loved hearing more Tae and Hobi. I’ll admit either I rewind to hear Tae again or skip to hear Hobi, lol. Most of the time I just let the song play through, it all depends on how I am feeling. That’s my opinion and I agree with Jae it didn’t need Zara and I still like it with her. What Jae said didn’t change my view, I have my own mind and I do what I want.
I’m glad you stated your opinion. I think some fans have this warped view that being a fan means loving every single thing BTS puts out. People just need to use their critical thinking skills and make their own decisions. If something is not for you, you should be free to say it, it’s a form of feedback.
I dont know why there are people here saying you are cancelled etc.
I really dont mind what you said.
for your perspective the collab was not needeed. You didn’t disrespect ed anyone.
But i think BTS is trying to collab with various artists in songs that they are definitely not going to perform live. They cant put a proper collab song in their album , how can they bring the other artist with them on tour?? i know many artist just play a playback with the collab artist but obviously BTS dont want to do that. and of course they dont want to sing in Eng too.
For me, i dont really mind the collabs . It is something diff and awesome.
I love your honesty. One of the things that really does disappoint me about stan culture is that sometimes there is a belief their idol(s) can do no wrong or not release anything “bad”. Twitter is almost like a breeding ground for them. When I saw your tweet about “A Brand New Day” I was relieved…. because I honestly didn’t find it up par with other stuff they had released. The collab didn’t make sense to me. I’m interested to see how it fits in with the game, but as a stand alone song, it’s not something I would have on repeat (like i occasionally do their cover of Hug Me).
Even reading the comments on your site for this piece, it seems some people have missed the point you were trying to make entirely.
Keeping your opinions to yourself is definitely counter-intuitive to BTSs message! Honestly, I listened to “A Brand New Day” once. It was just ok for me. I’ll give it another listen once the game comes out. BTS understands that not all of their songs will appeal to all their fans. They’re not that shallow! Thanks for being a voice of reason.