Go Away With … Pia Mechler

“I first traveled (to Japan) as a kid with my father, who was a flight captain for a big German airline,” said “Devils” star Pia Mechler. “I was lucky to have seen many exotic destinations already at a young age, but Japan took my breath away. It’s a culture clash between the hyper-modern and the extremely traditional. I have loved it ever since and I cannot wait to travel there again.”

Go Away With … Lisa Roth

“I remember taking the train from Boston to Miami to visit my grandparents when I was four,” said “Rockabye Baby” co-founder Lisa Roth. “We stayed in a hotel with a huge pool, which was all very exciting. I clearly remember climbing out of the pool with a tummy ache, climbing into my mother’s arms and throwing up into the front pocket of her polka dot, terry cloth coverup. It was a perfect aim and a great trip.”

“Seoul Searching”

Once “Seoul Searching” gets past the caricatures, the story delves into the deeper meaning of what it means to be Korean in societies that view you as a perpetual foreigner. Though the film concentrates on Korean Americans, two of the more memorable characters are Korean teens raised in Germany (Klaus, played by Teo Yoo) and Mexico (Esteban Ahn’s Sergio).

“Stranger” (비밀의 숲): Season 2

There’s so much lying going on in the second season of “Stranger” that it’s difficult to figure out who’s truth is real. There are so many players convinced that their own criminal acts are for the betterment (cough cough) of Korea’s economy and future that they should be given a pass on their own wrongdoings.

“Flower of Evil” (악의 꽃)

The chemistry between Lee Joon-Gi and Moon Chae-Won is strong in “Flower of Evil.” Viewers never doubt their love for each other. One of the most telling signs of their relationship is that even during times when she isn’t sure who he really is, she never stops referring to him as 자기야 / jagiya, which literally means that he is hers.

Go Away With … Issac J. Bailey

“My experience in Ghana was like nothing else,” says “Why Didn’t We Riot?: A Black Man in Trumpland” author Issac J. Bailey. “Even amid some devastating pockets of destitution, the smiles and greetings residents there had for visitors like me made it feel as though I had returned to Myrtle Beach.”