By Jae-Ha Kim
The very nature of Twitter is that tweets roll by and then disappear — or, rather, get hidden by a mountain of more recent tweets.
But there are some tweets that I would like to remember. Like this:
Go Away With … Rap Monster (of #BTS) @ Chicago Tribune
— BTS_official (@bts_bighit) May 31, 2017
So, this page is more for myself than anyone else, really. It’s a reminder of some of the things that have been tweeted at me … and some that I tweeted myself (in no particular order, chronological or otherwise).
#MyLoveFromAnotherStar‘s the gateway “drug” to #Kdramas.
My review of the #KimSooHyun series
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 26, 2016
Can u imagine being forced to compete at the @Olympics for a different country? #colonialism
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 13, 2016 Lil love from my where I got started:)).
— Daniel Henney (@danielhenney) March 15, 2016
Movie star #KimSooHyun on the left and #SonOfJae.
I think the kid’s quite handsome.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 21, 2016
Have you been reading my columns in the @latimes? Check out my intervu with @KimFCoates:
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) April 17, 2016
Thanks to the team! @TeamSgtWu
— Reggie Lee (@MrReggieLee) April 17, 2016
.@JoeMantegna talks abt Chicago, @CrimMinds_CBS & he & his wife’s bucket list: Hawaii, Japan & Korea: @TribuneAgency
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) January 3, 2017
Thx #RapMonster 4 fun intv! Fact: He taught himself English watching #FRIENDS.
I wrote the 1st book on FRIENDS.
#bts @BTS_twt @bts_bighit
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 22, 2017
Racists had no problem w/artists from Canada/Denmark/Australia. But from Korea? They wanted #Rap Monster to speak English. He was. #btsbbma
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 23, 2017
#RapMonster told me that he loves all his fans, but the Brazilians really stand out. More in my column next week! @BTS_twt @bts_bighit
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 24, 2017
#BTS fans: My newspaper needs to fix some links. But here’s a prevu on MY site where #RapMonster says Obrigado
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 30, 2017
#RapMonster learned English watching #Friends; is learning Japanese & luvs Brazil. My @ChicagoTribune intv #BTSarmy
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 30, 2017
Thank you for tweeting my column. It was a pleasure interviewing Nam-Joon & hearing about his travels, his fans & our ties to #Friends!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 31, 2017
.@GoAwayWithJae talks travel with Rap Monster of BTS:
— ChiTribTravel (@ChiTribTravel) May 31, 2017
How does a KPop star celebrate a #BBMA win? #RapMonster tells me all this & more in @LATimes
#BTSarmy @bts_bighit
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 1, 2017
Thank you, #BTSarmy for being so enthusiastic & lovely. You made the past few days so memorable & fun for me!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 5, 2017
My #RapMonster column in today’s @ChicagoTribune. If you visit Korea, the #BTS star recommends visiting the beautiful Han River. #BTSarmy
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 11, 2017
My son’s baseball team (Minor League Cubs) just won their championship.
This is good luck for the Chicago @Cubs, right?! #FlyTheW #SonOfJae
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 10, 2017
I used to wish I had been a teenager during the Beatles era. Now I think about how fun it must be to be young during the BTS era. When I was growing up, I never thought a Korean band would become popular outside of Korea. Enjoy it all!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 16, 2017
The world was watching & BTS showed how it’s done! Great lyrics, showmanship & choreography. So incredibly proud of these young Korean men.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 20, 2017
With all the pressures of being the 1st Korean group to do this & that, @BTS_twt delivered! The MIC DROP @SteveAoki remix is exceptional. I often talk about BTS’ lyrics, but their message–esp. in Korean–is spot on.
Hmmm, should I intervu Steve next?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 25, 2017
A group of girls told my son he looked like Suga. He was embarrassed & told me later he thinks he looks like RM. (He doesn’t.
) A friend’s son wants to BE G-Dragon. When I was their age, there were no Asian role models in the U.S. What an exciting time it is now for young folks.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 27, 2017
This 2012 @WIRED article is the best piece I’ve read about how antis almost ruined @blobyblo‘s career (and, to an extent, his life). This sounds clickbaity, but I remember being shocked at who was behind the dragging. It’s worth reading: #TABLO #EPIKHIGH
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 1, 2017
wonderful travels with @chicagotribune— Sam Heughan (@SamHeughan) December 5, 2017
When I was in Korea recently, I was set to interview a well known idol who’s signed to one of the “Big Three.” The agency gave me a list of demands, including a promise that they would SUE ME (& I would be responsible for their legal fees) if I wrote anything negative.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 8, 2017
I feel bad, she does amazing work, has always been transparent and open for dialogue with readers, and yet while she didn’t mention which company/idol, a certain fandom is already trash talking her for this.
— Rachel
(@DarlingSpectrum) December 9, 2017
It was an interesting day…For answers to the most-asked questions, look no further. These folks addressed them better that I could have. Enjoy your weekend!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 9, 2017
My worlds collide. Chicago’s @falloutboy collaborated with Seoul’s RM. A few years ago, Pete Wentz & I discussed Korea, BBQ & K-Pop. He loved it all. I’m gonna get him hooked on kimchi next.
Well done, boys! Congrats all around. #RMxFallOutBoy @BTS_twt
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 16, 2017
Look what ran in today’s @chicagotribune! Thanks for sharing your adventures in my column. Also, here it is in the @latimes:
@Outlander_STARZ #goawaywithjae #Outlander
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 18, 2017
PSY opened the doors. BTS kicked through it. PSY was viewed as somewhat of a fun oddity. BTS has a set list of songs that fit well in international radio play. They also present Asian men in a positive frame & in that sense are certainly more influential (even b4 they’ve peaked).
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 20, 2017
At my parents’ house, I found a scrapbook of some of my writing. There was a piece I wrote about #AsianRepresentation that still holds true today. They had also saved pages from @RollingStone & @EW that ran my reviews. I didn’t know my parents even knew what those mags were.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 30, 2017
What I really like about this message is that he’s hopeful, but not discounting the fact that everyone is bound to experience tough days. Navigating your way through difficult times is a part of life that sometimes seems insurmountable. Try not to give up. #화이팅 #HappyNewYear
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 31, 2017
It doesn’t matter if it was SHINee, Big Bang or GOT7 performing instead of BTS. This person would’ve made the same comment.
Next. #AsianRepresentation
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) January 2, 2018
Sometimes I decompress from the real world by reviewing #KDramas. I am a fan Kim Ji-Won’s work & enjoyed her chemistry with Park Seo-Joon in #FightMyWay. Also, it was fun to hear @BTS_twt‘s FIRE during the MMA fights scenes.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) January 10, 2018
When I was a kid growing up in Chicago, never in my wildest dreams did I think @Billboard, @RollingStone & @Newsweek would be covering #KPOP, much less an AU fanfic about @BTS_twt. I’m curious to see if @flirtaus gets a book deal: #AsianRepresentation
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) January 16, 2018
When you get old enough to be an ajumma like me, it gets even more fun.
The irony is these are the same people who hate being written off as teenyboppers, but they want to exclude older people from…liking music.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) January 22, 2018
At bedtime:#SonOfJae: Did you interview Bruce Lee?
Me: No, he died a long time ago.
SoJ: Does @BTS_twt know taekwondo?
Me: I don’t know.
SoJ: Do you think I’ll be as tall as RM?
Me: I’m not sure.
SoJ: How about Jimin. I might grow taller than him, right?
Me:Go to sleep, Kyle.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) January 24, 2018
Our local park district hosts “kid parties” for elementary school-age children on Fridays. #SonOfJae casually told me that I would be interested to know that tonight they played MIC DROP & WE ARE BULLETPROOF over the speakers. THEY PLAYED @BTS_twt. At a kid party. I’m dead.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) January 27, 2018
I’m working on my @SteveAoki article and playing #MicDropRemix as inspiration, of course. And everytime I get to RM’s part, I can’t stop laughing, thinking about him getting stuck in the ambulance … unable to open the door… @BTS_twt
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) January 31, 2018
When I was in h.s., I applied to 2 universities: @UChicago & @Illinois_Alma. I found a diary entry from that timeframe. I wrote: “I got accepted for early admission to the U of C. I should’ve applied to @Harvard & @Stanford, too.”
I miss 17-year-old Jae…
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 1, 2018
Wow. I’ve covered music for a long time. Never did I think I’d see the day when a Korean group went GOLD. Congrats to @BTS_twt on this momentous achievement! Mark my words. It won’t be their last. Grammys: Are you ready for them? #MicDropWentGold #AsianRepresentation @steveaoki
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 4, 2018
My mom wouldn’t buy anything for herself, but she bought us new clothes. She knew kids already saw us as “different” & didn’t want to give them ammunition to make fun of us for being dressed badly. @BTS_twt: Have you heard @DollyParton‘s Coat Of Many Colors? One of my fave songs.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 6, 2018
Thanks @EDMsauce, for including me in this piece about @BTS_twt being the 1st KOREAN group to have a gold record! I’m in good company with @USEmbassySeoul & @LifeOfDesiigner!
#AsianRepresentation #MicDropWentGold @RIAA @steveaoki— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 7, 2018
A friend told me her 9 y/o son thought that racism only existed against African Americans. She read some of my blog posts with him to give him a better understanding of racism against other minorities.
You can’t even imagine how that made me feel.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 8, 2018
My favorite gif, because it applies to so many things in life. (Chae Hyungwon from @OfficialMonstaX.)#MonBebes #GifHistory
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 9, 2018
In 1988, my parents & I proudly watched Sohn Kee-Chung/손기정, who had the honor of carrying the Olympic torch into the Seoul #Olympic Stadium. A national hero, Sohn had won gold when Korea was still part of the Japanese empire
#Pyeonchang2018 @Olympics
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 9, 2018
#HusbandOfJae: Did you hear who lit the @Olympics cauldron?
Me: Yes, what a great choice.
HoJ: Really? Don’t they usually pick medalists?
Me: She’s a gold medalist! Kim Yuna!
HoJ: Oh…I thought they said Kim Hyun-a.
Yeah, we listen to too much #Kpop in this household!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 10, 2018
My mother — who grew up during the Japanese occupation of Korea; who lived through war and saw her country split into two — re-watching the Winter Olympics opening ceremony with me just now quietly said, “I wish Korea would be unified soon…”
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 11, 2018
Three days after @BTS_twt became the 1st Korean group to earn a gold record from the @RIAA for MIC DROP REMIX, they did it again. DNA went gold, too!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 12, 2018
DJ & philanthropist @steveaoki‘s on his KOLONY tour. Last week he celebrated going gold w/his remix of @BTS_twt‘s MIC DROP. He picks kimchi as the perfect food & Hawaii as a fave destination. He’s also in the @GWR. Our @LATimes intv: @dimmak @TribuneAgency
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 13, 2018
(1) After hearing so many American sportscasters mangling Korean athletes’ names–and PyeonChang, for that matter– I don’t want to hear another word about immigrants speaking English with a thick accent.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 13, 2018
Billboard’s @e_alexjung says: @BTS_twt has connected w/millennials. Sure, it’s got love songs and dance moves. But BTS’ music has regularly leveled criticism against a myopic educational system, materialism and the media. #AsianRepresentation #BTS #KPOP
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 15, 2018
I say this as a bilingual journalist and as someone who’s very proud of you
: Being sent to interview @BTS_twt wasn’t just out of the blue. The groundwork for this was laid out by years of hard work by journalists who covered #KPOP despite the language barrier & little interest.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 15, 2018
Please stop DMing me about this. I didn’t write this article. If I had, I wouldn’t have a problem with the content. Don’t tell Big Hit to sue the publication, because you will come across as ridiculous. No one libeled RM. He’s not homophobic. Suga didn’t make him look bad.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 16, 2018
The key to winning Olympics medals is to have Brian Orser as your coach.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 17, 2018
@GoAwayWithJae I believe you’re featured in this story!
— Les★ hixtape (@yoongi_html) February 17, 2018
Ever heard of #umchina? It’s the abbreviation for 엄마 친구 아들 (umma chingoo adul) or “mom’s friend’s son.” It refers to Korean moms who compare their kids to become more like her friend’s perfect child (like Choi SiWon), who may or may not exist.
Is thing just a Korean thing?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 18, 2018
My uncle used to call me The Crusher, after his favorite pro wrestler. Back then, people thought I was Chinese & didn’t know what Korea was. My son gets to grow up in an era when @BTS_twt‘s fanboys include @JohnCena, @AnselElgort & @TheRock.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 18, 2018
In South Korea, “guns for hunting or target practice must be registered & kept at a local police station. Even biathletes at the 2018 Olympics can’t bring their rifles to their rooms & have to place them in a guarded warehouse, unlike previous Olympics.”
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 19, 2018
“Heard from a colleague at the figure skating press conference that U.S. bronze medalist @AlexShibutani gave a shout out to @BTS_twt for being incredible role models. According to the colleague, he sounded absolutely serious.” via @odissy #AsianRepresentation @TeamUSA @ShibSibs
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 20, 2018
I’m eating a Raisinet every time @NBC deliberately mispronounces #PyeongChang2018. So far, I’m 100 pounds heavier than pre-Olympics.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 21, 2018
#TBT to #SonOfJae‘s 1st taekwondo belt testing. He was a 5y/o kindergartener. I thought he was so big then. He was still so little.
Parenting can be rough, and I respect those who don’t want to have children. But this little boy makes everything right in my world. 애기, 사랑해!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 22, 2018
A woman wanted to get her son a @BTS_twt item & the store employee refused? Wow.
When #SonOfJae was 4, we bought a deck of Super Junior cards & CD box set at a KPOP store. The ajusshi threw in some free stickers. He didn’t gender shame my boy!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 24, 2018
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 24, 2018
I knew BTS wouldn’t be performing at the closing ceremony, but I’m disappointed to hear PSY wasn’t the surprise guest.
I enjoy Martin Garrix’s work, but he’s an odd choice rather than a Korean or Chinese artist (nod to 2022 Beijing Games). #PyeongChang2018
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 25, 2018
My interview w/ @SteveAoki is in today’s print ed. of @ChicagoTribune. The DJ talks about his love for #KPOP, @BTS_twt & #kimchi, which he describes as the perfect food. A lot of great quotes got cut out that you can find on my website: #MICDropWentGold
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 25, 2018
The Little K Tigers should’ve performed at the closing ceremony. Cute little kids performing taekwondo to KPOP is about as Korean as you can get. The crowd would’ve gone wild for them!
리틀 K-타이거즈가 추는 방탄 mic drop…(소름주의)
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 26, 2018
At 16, @lunablaise is busy with her music & a tour w/@jacobsartorius, as well as her role as Nicole on @FreshOffABC. A fave memory? Traveling to Spain w/her family, where she enjoyed feasting on the local fish. More in my column: #CameraRoll #goawaywithjae
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) February 27, 2018
#HusbandOfJae: I read about this actress who’s taking a strong stance on only accepting roles that don’t demean Asian Americans.
Me: That’s awesome!
HoJ: Maybe you should write about her.
Me: Who is she?
HoJ: I don’t remember her name…HoJ? Jungkook?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 1, 2018
I don’t know. The chair looked like it pushed him off.
Too soon?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 1, 2018
와우. This was much-needed on an otherwise stressful day.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 1, 2018
Mind blown.
It never even occurred to me that fans would come up with a plan that would most benefit J-Hope’s #HopeWorld.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 2, 2018
Everett (after hearing Okoye speak Wakundan): Doe she speak English?
Okoye: When she wants to.This was my favorite line from #BlackPanther It reminded me of all the times people asked if my parents spoke English, even after literally hearing them speak English.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 3, 2018
Can you all just let @JohnCena live, please?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 7, 2018
It’d be beneficial to Korean society if the government implemented programs to help unwed mothers — and indigent families — who’d like to raise and keep their babies, but can’t afford to do so.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 8, 2018
Suga could’ve joked away his promise and no one would have faulted him for it. Anyone who supports disenfranchised children like this is A-OK with me. I hope the precious children enjoy a delicious meal!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 8, 2018
The love triangle in #Hwarang is much less interesting than several subplots, including the heartbreaking relationship between an aristocrat & his “half-breed” hyung. Honestly, I would’ve preferred a series that explored that family’s dynamics.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 11, 2018
대박! How apropos that @JohnCena confirms he’s a JHope stan on White Day (akin to Valentine’s Day in Korea) & an ARMY. He is pretty adorable, I guess, right?
Cena says, “I’m in! I’ve been introduced to a new piece of culture, which is fantastic.” @BTS_twt
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 14, 2018
My thanks to @terrycrews for being such an ally to women, minorities & the disenfranchised. We discussed racial issues, the #MeToo movement, history, apartheid & travel. And guess what, ARMYs? He loves @BTS_twt. He also said Brazilians embrace him as one of their own. #iLoveMyJob
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 16, 2018
You’re the BEST @GoAwayWithJae !!!
— terrycrews (@terrycrews) March 16, 2018
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 21, 2018
Hey there, @JohnCena: You’ve got some explaining to do…
@BTS_twt #RM #JHope
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 25, 2018
For the members of @BTS_twt, presenting an idealized version of their real selves was par for the course. But w/#BurnTheStage, they’ve come to terms w/who they are & are brave enough to share it w/the public. My review @YouTube #BTSxYouTubeRed
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 29, 2018
I sometimes think about how it can be a burden to be as smart as RM is. His thought process reflects his genius IQ. Last Spring, he told me: “When things are hard, I feel quite a bit of pressure, because I want to answer correctly.” @BTS_twt #BurnTheStage
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) March 30, 2018
Thanks to kind-hearted responses like this, my big head can’t fit through the doorway now. So…since I’m stuck here, I may as well have a doughnut…
Seriously, thank you to everyone who has taken the time from your busy day to read my work and share your thoughts!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) April 6, 2018
I did my analyzing columns assignment on your columns/blog posts from your website and got an 100!
— tyyy (@tyoeIa) April 6, 2018
I. Love. This!
True Story: I wrote the 1st book about F
S, which is the show that Namjoon watched to learn English. My parents, too, had us watch TV to reinforce our English. TV can be a cesspool of garbage, but it can also be a learning tool. @BTS_twt @FriendsTV
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) April 7, 2018
Find a partner to love you the way Min Yoon-gi loves his marker…
Sorry, I love my markers too much not to share this.
True story: I bought #SonOfJae his own set of Sharpies so he’d leave mine alone. Speaking of which: Hey @Sharpie, how about sending @BTS_twt some swag?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) April 8, 2018
When I was growing up, my parents bought Sony, because Korean products like GoldStar were crap. GS became LG, & today I own a LG washer, dryer & cell phones (though I miss my Samsung). How times have changed. @BTS_twt
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) April 10, 2018
It’s always been my belief that @BTS_twt‘s SPRING DAY was a tribute to the victims of the #Sewol tragedy. The band, which donated $ to the victims’ families, has never said. The achingly beautiful words/imagery clearly pay homage to those no longer here.+
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) April 16, 2018
I saw my building in #BurnTheStageEp5 & many other familiar sites like JBTV, where I did some work. I don’t know how the guys didn’t knock each other out. The stage is about the size of my dining room table.
Maybe they should skip JBTV this year & play at my house instead?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) April 19, 2018
I’m happy that @BTS_twt‘ll perform, but this was the worst-kept surprise. I’m in the minority, but I had hoped they’d do as the Beatles did in Hamburg and “mak show,” by performing a song that’d show off their rougher side.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) April 24, 2018
She mentions that the white driver is a PhD candidate. My black friend is a scientist w/ a PhD. He was pulled over for driving his own Lexus in his own rich suburban neighborhood. He didn’t have a chance to get in a cop’s face like this, becuz he was handcuffed & interrogated.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) April 25, 2018
My Twitter feed has been a shit-storm of racism and depression today. So, my happy thought of the evening: When is Big Hit going to carve out some time for Jin to debut as an actor? Probably not this year. But he’s got a knack for it and is certainly handsome enough.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) April 26, 2018
.@BTS_twt‘s announced world tour dates & now the Hunger Games start to buy tickets. I love that the dates’re spaced out so they have a bit of down time to sightsee/relax in between cities. They last played an 18.5k capacity Chicago venue. This time, 2 dates, 23.5 capacity/show.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) April 26, 2018
I’m not saying this is what happened with Big Hit, but “leaks” aren’t leaks if the source gives the info to the press to publish. Just because things were done one way in the past doesn’t mean that’s how it will always be.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 2, 2018
This is the power of @BTS_twt: They are listed as its own genre on @Kocowa_official‘s streaming service. (I highly recommend watching their appearance on #RunningMan.
@RunningManGuest #BTS
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 4, 2018
For all the naysayers who dismiss boy band fans as mindless, screaming tweens, let this sink in: @BTS_twt‘s ARMY helped raise more than $1M for charity in a few hours. That they did it in conjunction with @starwars just makes it that much more awesome. #TheyCanDoAllThings
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 5, 2018
I’m laughing because … #EatJin…The Baby Years.
(That is Jin, right?)
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 5, 2018
.@FinancialPost‘s 2016 article implies bands know about Platinum Seat sales & benefit along w/@Ticketmaster. Practice is legal, but morally shady af.
Charge whatever you want, but don’t change price after fans budgeted for $150 & tix are raised to $750.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 5, 2018
Hi @VividSeats: @BTS_twt tickets for the @UnitedCenter don’t go on sale until 5/7. How can you guarantee anyone these seats that aren’t even on sale yet? Oh yes, scalpers.
Rich people’ll get tickets, but the fans who’ve been saving for months deserve better than this.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 6, 2018
Thanks to @AkoSiLuwalhati & all the wonderful international ARMYs who shared my work on Facebook, found my little FB page & wrote the sweetest posts & messages. Usually on FB, I hear from scammers asking for money (to which I say: NOT, NOT, NO!) Thank you!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 7, 2018
Many groups start faltering creatively at this point in their careers. If the rest of the album is as good as #Singularity, this may be their best yet.
I almost always like fast songs better than slow. But this is haunting, outstanding & sexy af. @BTS_twt
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 7, 2018
Korean children who are raised in orphanages face incredibly difficult challenges once they reach adulthood & are forced to live on their own. They don’t have equal opportunities for education or careers. ALL children deserve equal human rights, regardless of where they grow up.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 10, 2018
All you *fools who keep insisting that @BTS_twt is a boy band. Here’s my proof that they’re actually runway models. Bye.
*none of ya’ll are fools,. This is me playing.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 14, 2018
Entitlement: Threatening to call the police/ICE because workers are speaking Spanish. Apparently this man is a lawyer. People like him are one reason why when I’m overheard speaking Korean to my mother, I follow up by speaking English.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 16, 2018
It has been a challenging day and then I see @JohnCena tweet this out about @BTS_twt and how can I not giggle? Somebody had better set up a meet-and-greet between Cena and J-Hope or they’ll have some explaining to do. Are you listening, @bts_bighit?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 16, 2018
The racists have found me and want me to move to Korea.
Pros: @moonriver365, @BTS_twt, all the food that I love 24/7.
Cons: My family, my friends, my job — who aren’t;dr: 꺼져 개새끼.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 17, 2018
The level of RM’s fluency in English is beyond just understanding a foreign language. He knows how to make homonyms, while simultaneously making a Dad Joke: Puppies vs. Pup Pees. (I’ll bet he gets to/too/two & their/they’re/there correct, too.)
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 18, 2018
This wasn’t my experience when I interviewed RM last year, but I write for print. No one sent me questions to ask & I didn’t provide them with any in advance. They did have links to my previous work, so Big Hit was familiar with my style and who I wrote for.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 20, 2018
What a condescending tweet. What’s tragic is this man is finding fault with women protesting an important issue, because it doesn’t align with his agenda. Also, advocating for a particular cause doesn’t mean these protestors don’t care about other issues.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 20, 2018
I just watched @BTS_twt win its 2nd @BBMAs award & give the evening’s most electric performance, w/my son excitedly saying how they’re the best. When I was little, people used to ask if I was Chinese or Japanese. They didn’t know about Korea. They do now.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 21, 2018
Perfection. Park Min-Young and Ji Chang-Wook in HEALER/힐러.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 22, 2018
Congrats to @BTS_twt on its historic achievement! I’ve covered music for a long time & was always told an Asian group couldn’t break the U.S. BTS just hit #1. It’s the group I’d been waiting for most of my life. Because they’re so inclusive, their success feels like ours, too.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 28, 2018
My @RollingStone essay on @BTS_twt, whose record-setting success is in part because of their willingness to speak their minds, openly discussing LGBTQ rights, mental health & the pressure to succeed; and the integral role that ARMY plays. @bts_bighit
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) May 29, 2018
By speaking out on LGBTQ rights and mental health, BTS are challenging some of K-pop’s biggest unwritten rules
— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) May 29, 2018
It’s the 1,067th inning of the Cubs vs Mets game and they just showed a commercial for @LGUS phones starring @BTS_twt and my kid, who had fallen asleep, popped up, nodded his head and then fell back asleep. #bts #LG #GoCubs!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 3, 2018
When you have nothing of value to say, but you still want attention, just say that a band looks gay. FWIW, there is NOTHING wrong with being gay, but this jerk obviously thinks it’s all a joke: #loveyourself
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 5, 2018
I.M of @OfficialMonstaX: Your Korean is so good!
Me: Your English is spot on, especially your slang!
Yeah, it was a fun interview.Article won’t be out for a few weeks, though…
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 12, 2018
And in a related thread, which celebrities do you think are the best soccer players? I’ll go with Minho.#WorldCup
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 16, 2018
I’m convinced that ARMYs are wizards who can find anything. If ya’ll find my Theory hoodie that I lost in Boulder, DM me! @BTS_twt
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 17, 2018
1st time this song popped up on my @pandoramusic.
*I wasn’t driving when I took this photo.*@BTS_twt
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 18, 2018
Separating children from parents is immoral & inhumane. Kids don’t bounce back from this kind of trauma. People don’t leave their “shithole” countries for kicks. Asylum seekers aren’t expats looking for an Instagram photo op; they’re trying to survive.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 20, 2018
This jacket is not only fugly, but the message it sends is highly inappropriate for the First Lady of the United States to flaunt in public. The FLOTUS should care, or at least pretend to.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 21, 2018
+Little kids often don’t know their parents’ full names. My son thought my name was 엄마. Later, he thought my name was Mommy Kim. To his friends, I had the same name as their mom: Mom. The 1st night I was away from home, he sobbed himself to sleep. This was even w/his dad there.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 22, 2018
After #overmyskin releases next week, there will be a baby boom 10 months later.
@tiffanyyoung laughed at my prediction but…I’m not joking. Just wait.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 23, 2018
WTH, you guys? Why did no one inform me that Ji Chang-Wook plays a character named Kim Jae-Ha in #K2? I repeat…Kim. Jae. Ha. I’m waiting…
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 24, 2018
One of the last things @tiffanyyoung said to me before we said goodbye was about the love she has for her fans: “I trust them to be wherever I am and that’s why I will be wherever they are, whenever I can.” The interview will be released SOON.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 27, 2018
I am laughing so hard, because so many Mexican soccer fans are celebrating South Korea’s win today — which knocked out Germany and allowed the Mexican team to advance in the #WorldCup— and @BTS_twt is benefiting from all the good feels.
To many people, BTS=Korea.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 27, 2018
To every single person who says they didn’t know this was offensive, let me say it clearly: IT IS OFFENSIVE. Stop doing this. These folks may not have meant offense, but it is offensive nonetheless. This is what many of us see before we get our asses kicked.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 27, 2018
Many of you have asked me about @terrycrews & his compliments about @BTS_twt. It is true. He likes them. More importantly, he spoke eloquently at length about the #MeToo movement & how racism permeates itself into society. Here’s my @latimes piece: #hero
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) June 29, 2018
THEY HAVE ALL BEEN RESCUED! Here’s wishing a speedy recovery for the brave children & their coach. FIFA has extended an invitation to the team to attend the #WorldCup finals as its guests. #ThaiCaveRescue
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) July 10, 2018
href=””>#BabyTomato rocking their Croatian National Team gear in 2013, watching @SJofficial sing #SexyFreeAndSingle. I want to post the kid dancing to #SorrySorry but he forbid me to so boo.
We’re so happy that
made it to the #WorldCup finals! @FIFAWorldCup #CROENG— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) July 11, 2018
My intervu w/@OfficialMonstaX‘s I.M already ran online, but it runs in print as well, Last week, it ran in print in outlets like @LATimes. Today it’s in @ChicagoTribune. The #KPOP group kicks off its U.S. tour in Chicago on 7/20/18! BTW, if you found I.M’s wallet, let me know!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) July 15, 2018
There was a fun meta moment in WHAT’S WRONG WITH SECRETARY KIM when Mi-So refers to 개새 (Dog Bird), which was Park Seo-Joon’s role in #Hwarang. Seo-Joon is good friends w/@BTS_twt‘s V. Then I’m looking at the decor and…Do you see what I’m getting at? #ParkSeoJoon #ParkMinYoung
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) July 16, 2018
Jimin, V, JK.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) July 18, 2018
.@OfficialMonstaX is so talented & put on one of the best performances I’ve ever seen.
You see those fidget spinners? #SonOfJae bought one for each member, so they wouldn’t be bored on the plane. (He’s sick, so he had to stay home.
I took a friend to the concert instead).
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) July 21, 2018
Don’t worry about the arseholes who make fun of you for being Korean. One day, there will be a world full of people in awe of Korean electronics, food & music. (And one of the kids who called you a chink will get part of his ear bit off by his dog. But that’s just a bonus.)
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) July 25, 2018
[#MONSTA_X]#몬스타엑스 #아이엠,
시카고 트리뷴과 인터뷰 1면 장식
(출처 : 이데일리 | 네이버 TV연예)— 몬스타엑스_MONSTA X (@OfficialMonstaX) July 27, 2018
I r’cd an email from an adoptee, who said she never really thought much about her Korean roots. Last year, she read one of my @BTS_twt articles, watched them take over the world & felt a surge of pride. This is why seeing yourself represented matters so much to so many people.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) July 30, 2018
Yo @HarperCollins: BTS is a Korean group. South Korea isn’t in Southeast Asia.
I’m not @ the author, because even if the mistake was hers, her editor should’ve made the correction. Because that’s how editing works.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) July 30, 2018
I feel like @BTS_twt‘s mom, not because of age, but because they act not too differently from my boy (in a good way). When Jimin & V started freaking bottle flipping, it was like watching bigger, millionaire versions of my son & his friends.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 1, 2018
“CL has apparently been neglecting to watch her weight.”
And…this apparently was written by a man.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 7, 2018
Congrats @BTS_twt! Worldwide superstars such as the Rolling Stones, U2, Beyonce & Taylor Swift play stadiums. And now, so will you! BTS also has the designation of being the 1st Korean group to perform at a U.S. stadium.
#화이팅 @CitiField @bts_bighit
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 9, 2018
Some have said that my enthusiasm for @BTS_twt nullifies my views on music. I say it’s my 3 decades of music coverage that gives me gravitas to say: BTS is phenomenal.
Kudos to 김석진 for proving he’s more than #WorldWideHandsome. And yes, he IS a 10 in a world of 8s. #Epiphany
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 9, 2018
Bruce said that my Rolling Stone essay on BTS–that he liked–would’ve been better if written by someone who HID the fact that he/she liked the group’s music.
There is gender bias at play here as well. FWIW, I don’t need this kind of backhanded “compliment,” thanks very much.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 9, 2018
because my past few tweets have been about making @RiceKrispies Treats & BTS making history. Again. The comments have ranged from: “Dip your hands in butter 1st” to “How many times am I gonna cry today?” This is me & this is my TL. I tweet abt #AsianRepresentation & snacks.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 9, 2018
What an odd comment coming from a Korean-American dude, whose job it is to create 3-minute fantasies. It seems the majority of his clients have been accused of having plastic surgery, too. Artists have to standout. Some are born beautiful, others have help. Why’s that an issue?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 10, 2018
Americans get plastic surgery: It’s all about empowerment & doing what makes u feel ur best.
Koreans get plastic surgery: They ALL want to be white & are ugly as fukc w/o getting their eyes done.
Any adult CHOOSING to enhance their looks is A-OK & it’s none of your business.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 10, 2018
SK plastic surgery dates back to Korean War, when a US reconstructive surgeon did eyelid procedures on sex workers to make them look “less oriental” & therefore appeal more to US soldiers.
B4 spouting off lies about ALL Koreans getting surgery, think about impact of colonialism.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 10, 2018
1/ People ask why I talk about the past. It’s because the past’s still with me, even tho I’m no longer a child. I didn’t hate myself for being Korean, but others did. I didn’t have a forum to express myself then, but I do now & #Epiphany cuts to my soul.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 11, 2018
I cried a lot as a baby. The neighbors said it was a sign I’d grow up 2 b a good singer. They were wrong.
I don’t cry a lot as an adult. But the trio of #SpringDay, #TheTruthUntold & #Epiphany made my eyes swell up for most of today. Catharsis. It felt sad, good & real.#보고싶다
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 12, 2018
Lee Joon-Gi, So Ji-Sub, Kim Go-Eun, Park So-Dam. These actors refused when encouraged to get their eyes “fixed.” They look elegant just the way they are. Cosmetic surgery is fine if adults really want to do it. But there’s also value in seeing beauty in what’s already there.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 13, 2018
I’m so in love w/this song.
It affects me in same way that #AcrossTheUniverse still does. Encourage children to listen to #Epiphany. Young kids are bullied so much for how they should look, dress and be. Teach them to #LoveYourself 1st. @BTS_twt
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 13, 2018
+ He never would’ve worn anything this far out, because he was a computer programmer and not a pop star. But he was very fashionable and stylish, even in his 3-piece suits. I’m so glad that there is less of a boundary between what we are “supposed” to and do wear. 보고싶어
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 13, 2018
Did you … frame my @OfficialMonstaX article?!
I feel so honored to be in your house! (And I know that sounds kind of creepy…
) Thank you so much for sharing these photos with me. It made my day! #monstax #IM
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 15, 2018
Now fortune cookies are stanning @BTS_twt, too?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 15, 2018
Congrats to @BTS_twt on their 3rd Gold Record! To see that it was awarded on 8/8–lucky numbers in Korea–brought back all kinds of feels, thinking about what it took for Korean artists to get here.
FWIW, I’d buy all 500k copies of #Epiphany.
#FakeLoveWentGold @RecordingAcad
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 15, 2018
1/ It was around 25 years ago, about the time that #JoyLuckClub was in cinemas. During this time, I had an entertainment segment on a Chicago radio station. The host & his sidekick called local Asian businesses & asked about their favorite Chinese restaurants.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 16, 2018
In grad school, an instructor told me my writing style was odd & I didn’t have a good command of the English language. She wanted to know why Asians can’t pronounce R’s.
I was 1 of 2 in our class to become a reporter. Five yrs later I wrote a NYT bestseller. #ShareYourRejections
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 17, 2018
In 4th grade, a classmate threw up on me & my homework. (Hey, Janet!) Our teacher wouldn’t give me a new math worksheet & told me to wipe it off.
One day, she whipped around & her hairpiece fell off. When y’all talk about snatched wigs, that’s what comes to mind. The end.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 18, 2018
True story: Before there was a Big 3, Big Hit, Starship etc., there was my father. He wasn’t the head of an agency, but popular stars of the era, including the KIM SISTERS–the 1st Korean GG–performed in his revue. #보고싶다 #KimSisters @TIME
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 19, 2018
My father was an interpreter for the US Army during the Korean War. When he was sent on dangerous missions behind enemy lines, my youngest uncles cried & begged to go w/him. He refused. They said they’d rather die together than be left alone. without him.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 20, 2018
I am dying because #LeeJongSuk is so stinking cute here. Dancing to a PSY song is not easy. It’s so fun to watch him laugh at himself, get winded, cough, get embarrassed during the pelvic thrust portion of the dance and then do…jazz hands!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 21, 2018
One of the really interesting things I’ve found in doing interviews is honorifics. When I talk to a Korean person in English, we speak informally. They don’t address me as “Ma’am” etc. But when I talk to them in Korean, they immediately switch to honorifics.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 22, 2018
Is he going to pitch against Aquaman next?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 22, 2018
It’s difficult to express what #IDOL sounds like. It’s more of what it feels like: Home. The instrumental portion sounds like my childhood. The music is what my father played around our house; and this makes me think of him & Korea.
#보고싶다 @BTS_twt
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 23, 2018
Grammys, are you ready? Because you can’t ignore @BTS_twt now.
Music fans: If you haven’t already, be sure to also listen to the other version of #IDOL that features @NICKIMINAJ. It is on
BTS (방탄소년단) ‘IDOL’ Official MV @bts_bighit @RecordingAcad
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 24, 2018
The next Disney animated film better include a prince that looks exactly like Seokjin did when he sang Epiphany in Seoul. He looks like a modern-day storybook 왕자. Speaking of which, who has a link to that concert footage? I need it for science purposes…
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 28, 2018
With the success of #CRA, #SearchingMovie, “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before,” even Muggles’re ready for an Asian Prince. @DisneyStudios, cast JIN. He can act, sing, dance & has millions of fans waiting to throw
at your movie. Subtitles aren’t an issue either. @BTS_twt #BTS
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 28, 2018
When I was interviewing for my job, the person who would hire me asked what films I liked. I listed a few & then said, “I know I’m not supposed to like this one, but…” She said: “People shouldn’t be hesitant to say what they like.”
If you like it, it has value.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) August 31, 2018
If music stopped today and there’s no new songs to listen to, I’m good with #Epiphany.
(That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t miss hearing new music. It just means I could survive just fine w/ Epiphany & my Beatles collection.) #JINTRO
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 5, 2018
This completely grosses me out that idols and their management companies are apologizing for doing something that doesn’t need an apology: dating. These fans who want to control their faves’ personal lives are the ones who should apologize.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 7, 2018
If boy band concerts were filled with hipster men in the audience instead of women, the narrative would be completely different. Men’s opinions are the default & women (especially young women) are viewed as being unable to critique artistry on more than a superficial level.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 8, 2018
I know there are a lot of you out there who are broken & want to give up. We have all been there. The biggest fukc you is survival and living the best life that you can. At the risk of sounding trite, please stay alive. You are needed.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 10, 2018
Because everyone deserves some beauty on their timeline.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 10, 2018
Aspiring actress/@GirlsGeneration singer @TiffanyYoung is the star of @HM‘s Divided Music campaign. She tells me about her bucket list (Brazil, Morocco) & about inspiring Asian American children, More in the @LAtimes #TEACHYOU @hmusa @TribuneAgency
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 18, 2018
I’m not a fukcing matchmaker.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 18, 2018
1/4 Congrats to @BTS_twt on another 1st: The only Korean group to speak at the U.N. for the launch of @UNICEF‘s global partnership w/ #GenerationUnlimited. #BTS has a long history with UNICEF & philanthropy & that’s just as important to me as their music.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 20, 2018
Hi Anthony, people in our age group trying to help today’s youth doesn’t make as much of an impact as a group like BTS, who are young, popular and have a history of philanthropy. Disliking their music is one thing. Calling this “fukced” is overly dramatic. Have a great day!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 20, 2018
Muggles want to know why @BTS_twt has been invited to speak at the UN. That’s OK. They’re curious, which is a good thing.
I wrote this @RollingStone essay this summer, which explains some of the reasons why the Korean group’s being honored for its philanthropic work w/ @UNICEF.+
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 21, 2018
“These faults & mistakes are what I am, making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life. I have come to love myself for who I am, for who I was and for who I hope to become.” -Kim Nam-Joon of #BTS speaking at the @UN this morning.@BTS_twt #BTSxUnitedNations
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 24, 2018
Love yourself, Kendis.
I expect more from fellow journalists of color. That Korean speaker you made fun of for his word choice conducted a 6-minute speech in English, which is not his first language.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 25, 2018
At my son’s school, no less than 7 parents–none of them Asian–asked if I saw BTS speak at the UN & said they had recorded BTS’ media appearances to watch with their kids. I couldn’t have dreamed of this kind of recognition when I was a child. For my son, this is his normal.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 26, 2018
RM told me that in 2014, he practiced for 2 hours to say 3 English sentences to a reporter. Yes, he’s fluent in English now, but imagine how much time he spent writing his 6-minute @UN speech that aired worldwide. Trust me when I say his wordplay/message was on point and correct.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 26, 2018
Before K-Pop/Hallyu was a thing in the U.S., a reporter friend of mine (who traveled the world for work) said South Korea had the best looking men she had ever seen. (Spain was 2nd.) Everyone laughed at her and said Asian men were ugly. Oh contraire. #AsianRepresentation
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 28, 2018
Have you ever tried to kill a bug, but you’re a weirdo control freak and open the tissue to make sure it’s dead? But it’s not and it flies away and you can’t find it and now its sole mission in life is to kill you? No? Um, ok, me either …
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) September 29, 2018
Perspective: 1.5 years ago, mainstream media wasn’t interested in @BTS_twt, which is why their reps asked if I’d consider writing about them for my…blog.
Today, everyone wants a piece of #BTS. Flashback to my 2017 @chicagotribune interview with RM:
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 2, 2018
Everything is bigger in Chicago–even Namjoon, who’s apparently about 7-feet 6-inches tall.
Have a great time at the @UnitedCenter tonight, @BTS_twt. Wish I could be there, but I’ll be watching #SonOfJae and his team score another win!
#농구 #FamilyFirst
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 2, 2018
Ageism, racism, sexism
Alive and breeding
As I slowly live to die.(I was going to write a post filled with low-key rage. But I’m writing about a poet, who took the most horrendous subject and turned it into a thing of beauty. So, I give you my attempt at poetry.)
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 3, 2018
I’m much older than @TiffanyYoung, but we talked about how neither of us grew up seeing much #AsianRepresentation in the US. What a proud moment for the #KoreanAmerican community that the #TeachYou singer’ll be the 1st KPOP female to walk the red carpet at @AMAs. SHE WILL SLAY!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 6, 2018
No matter how well foreigners speak English, there’ll always be someone to point out their mistakes. Why not just say “ching chong ching” and get it over with? This reporter’s based in Tokyo, so I’m sure he’s fluent in Japanese & his syntax is perfect.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 6, 2018
I’m feeling salty today.
There’s no shame in not speaking English perfectly as a 2nd language. But it’s obnoxious to use a person’s words specifically for the intent of shaming them. My thoughts on that odd Times article about #BTS via @GoAwayWithJae
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 6, 2018
#tw These past 30 days, I tried to pretend everything was OK. But it was not. On the 1st day of Suicide Prevention Week, a loved one killed himself. We did not know he was in distress. I have been filled with grief & fear. The routine of work & caring for my family has helped. +
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 8, 2018
Maybe men who review boy band concerts describe attendees as “screaming teens,” because they themselves are so old that everyone else looks really young by comparison. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (I say this as an old person, by the way.)
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 9, 2018
Excuse me, but why is Kim Tae-hyung trying to kill everyone?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 10, 2018
People have lost their minds.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 11, 2018
As I prepare to mourn the anniversary of my father’s death, I think about Suga’s words: “Those from my parents’ generation grew up not being able to eat/dress well & are very proud of us. They love seeing us on the news. It’s enjoyable to see my father proud of things like that.”
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 11, 2018
+ Among the things my father left for me was this 1986 article. SK then was a world apart from the SK of today. No one was really interested in Korea or Korean culture. There was no equivalent of #BTS and what they’ve accomplished. This is why @BTS_twt will go down in history. 끝
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 11, 2018
As fun as it is to see elaborate stage shows, I’d be just as happy with an unplugged concert with little or no dancing. When you’ve got meaningful songs and artists who can sing well live, you don’t need much else: 7 chairs, 7 mics, thousands of fans. Get well, Jimin (and JK).
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 11, 2018
My grandfather was wealthy & took care of people in his village. When soldiers came looking for girls, my 할머니 hid their daughters. Soldiers took all their belongings; said they’d be back. He moved his family to Daegu, where my mom grew up. That’s why she has a country accent.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 12, 2018
I loved that unlike many of us who don’t correct people when they say our names wrong, JK politely corrected @grahnort‘s mispronunciation. Also, @WhoopiGoldberg is a QUEEN.
And @BTS_twt looked like movie stars sitting next to an actual film star.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 12, 2018
I’m not going to dwell on the small mistake here, but why is a woman who was professional and offered an apology named, but not the man who mocked a foreigner’s English?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 12, 2018
I have a Master’s Degree and speak English and…I’m not 5…and there are things on this form I’d need clarified. Since when are kindergartners even allowed to sign legal contracts?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 13, 2018
Am I surprised that some U.K. racists called BTS “makeup-wearing lady-boys”? Am I surprised that they all seemed to be white men?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 13, 2018
Group photo goals: To get 9 people in 1 photo and have everyone look this good.@BTS_twt @moonriver365 @TheBlueHouseENG
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 14, 2018
I’m late in celebrating #DayofTheGirl. But let’s hear it 4 the women writers who IMO wrote the best, thought-provoking @BTS_twt articles. I don’t think any of them spoke much Korean, if at all. But they captured the heart & soul of the band’s music w/o resorting to sexist trope.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 14, 2018
Damn. Get yourself a man like Kim Seok-jin who can get the President of South Korea to do his bidding.
(@moonriver365 said he recognized Jung-Kook and Jin from a show they did together. Jin took the opportunity to suggest a selca with the President…and then got his autograph.)
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 15, 2018
Best of luck to
HyunA, who has left Cube Entertainment!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 15, 2018
It wasn’t that long ago that Jin’s mom listened politely as her friends bragged about their sons’ achievements. I know that being awarded the presidential order of cultural merit’s huge for the group. But I think more about what it means to their parents.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 16, 2018
“I’m like a machine that never rests,” says @LAY_zhang_
The EXO star tells me about #NAMANANA, his love for Hunan & what he enjoys doing on a free day. LAY’s fave places include Changsha, Seoul & Chicago!
More in @LATimes @weareoneEXO @TribuneAgency
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 16, 2018
OMO! This news makes me sad. Dramafever was the first streaming service I used for Kdramas. I’m hoping @kocowa_official or @Viki get all the old Running Man episodes. They were the best and it’d be nice to have them a all in one spot…
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 16, 2018
NME writer criticizing fans for criticizing writers. Pot? Meet kettle. He has the right to do so, of course. But his inner Dude Bro came out in the highlighted portion. If a writer believes his subject’s passing along PR rhetoric, then why not challenge him on it during the chat?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 17, 2018
+ As a journalist who’s been dragged both by fandoms & white, male writers, the latter is much more problematic because of the power structure at play (racism/sexism). Making fun of an ESL’s syntax is just a cheap shot, no matter how many male reporters come running to defend it.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 17, 2018
When you spend extra money on 김 because 박서준 is on the package…
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 19, 2018
I love to read, which plays a big role in #WhyIWrite. The truth untold is that I love writing things that I will never let people read.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 21, 2018
Between a broken fridge & company coming over, I barely had time to digest this bit of news. Now there’s also #TheGreatBTSBillboardHunt? I can’t keep up.
Misc. thoughts:
I want a kimchi fridge.
Why do people wear their street clothes to bed in #KDramas?
mono 10/23
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 21, 2018
Seoul = home.
[2018 Seoul City TVC] Historic Seoul by #BTS / Jin via @BTS_twt @YouTube
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 22, 2018
It is haunting and mysterious and … sexy af. I think some babies are going to be made to this song…
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 22, 2018
Sometimes, we all need time to ourselves without being stared at or talked to. We need time to let ourselves be unhappy and figure out where to go from there. We need time to just be. Sometimes.
#RM #ForeverRain #mood #mono @BTS_twt @bts_bighit #BTS
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 23, 2018
Our fridge repairman was supposed to come today, but I canceled. Why? Because right after RM released his playlist & I listened to it nonstop, my fridge started working again perfectly.
I’m not even joking. Stream #Mono for clear skin & to fix your broken appliances. #MONOishere
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 23, 2018
I love that when a little Asian American girl turns on MTV and sees @tiffanyyoung, she will see a little of herself. Representation is so important and Tiffany is handling her career with so much beauty and grace. Couldn’t be more proud…
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 24, 2018
My 아빠 used to turn up the radio for me when IWantYouToWantMe came on. I loved the song. He liked that it was recorded live at Budokan. He was happy to see an Asian country get recognition. If he was alive, I know he’d be so proud of what BTS has accomplished for SK.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 25, 2018
D.O. is breaking my heart in “It’s Okay, That’s Love.”
He is so good in this #KDrama, portraying a sweet high school student (and more than holding his own against Jo In-Sung and Gong Hyo-Jin).
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 26, 2018
You know you may be in too deep when you recognize the restroom in It’s Okay, That’s Love.
I was in Herb Hills in Daegu shortly after this drama had finished airing in
& there was a placard outside that said #JoInSung & #GongHyoJin had filmed there. #괜찮아사랑이야
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 26, 2018
Holy cow, this surprised me. I kept waiting to show my KTX tickets to the conductors and never had to. They go by the honor system. I don’t think that would work in the U.S. Also, my seat mate was eating oranges and offered me — a stranger — some of her snacks.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 26, 2018
Our 1st #Halloween in the U.S., my grandfather was so surprised when he opened the door & saw kids asking for candy. We didn’t have any, because we didn’t know what Halloween was. So he gave them pennies & nickels. Kids were excited, because 5¢ bought decent candy back then!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 26, 2018
Chicago @LAY_zhang_ fans should pick up today’s @ChicagoTribune, because my interview with him is in it.
He says, “Life in Hunan is more relaxed compared to other parts in China. People don’t have that much stress. If you have time, you should visit.” I’ve never been. Have you?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 28, 2018
#SonOfJae didn’t know Jeli was going to perform a @BTS_twt song. At the beginning of the video, you can hear him tell me it’s #SpringDay.
The Rocking for a Cure concert raised money to benefit @JDRF. Always happy to support them! #BTS @AndrewBordoni @JongSan25
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) October 31, 2018
Some buys their kids costumes. Then there’s my friend @Indulge_Beauty, who always has the most amazing themes for her kids. Here are her pint-size versions of Cousin Oliver (@nicosantos), Rachel Chu (@ConstanceWu) & Nick Young (@henrygolding) from @CrazyRichMovie.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 1, 2018
I asked them to speak English for you & here’s what they said:
오뎅: Hi!
국물: (shyly) Hello!
진: I speak Worldwide Handsome. Learn it.If this is her version of a social experiment, it’s poorly executed. If it’s for real, she has a xenophobic definition of “right thing.”
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 1, 2018
BTS is Billboard’s reigning Top Social Artist, which means fans worldwide understand them just fine. There are 7 members, 1 of whom is fluent in English & addressed the UN in a moving speech that was covered worldwide. They are grown men who don’t need permission to speak Korean.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 1, 2018
Knowing how to speak English gives you a lot of privilege. I know this firsthand. But I love that so many people worldwide WANT to learn Korean because of bands like BTS and other amazing Korean artists. THAT is the global effect — not demanding that everyone speaks English.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 1, 2018
A friend who’s a fancy author texted me today to tell me her 15 y/o adores @BTS_twt. When I was 15, there were no Korean bands in American pop culture. Today, this sweet white girl in Alabama finds it completely normal to say Suga’s her ideal musician. #AsianRepresentation
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 3, 2018
I would like Yeontan to meet this pup…
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 3, 2018
I have to
because #7FirstKisses is the advertorial of #KDramas. So why’d I watch this? Lee Joon-Gi, Park Hae-Jin, Ji Chang-Wook, Kai, Ok Taecyeon, Lee Jong-Suk & Lee Min-Ho.
Also, there’s kimchi slapping, switched babies & a #Healer riff. My review #meh
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 6, 2018
Why I vote:
1776: Landowners can vote
1790: Non-white immigrants≠Citizens
1882: Chinese exclusion act≠Citizens
1890: Indigenous people must apply for citizenship (WTF!)
1920: 19th Amendment=Women can vote
1922: JapanAms/IndianAms≠Citizens
1952: AsAms can become Citizens— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 6, 2018
Giving no fukcs today…
Male music writer who has been rude to me: Hey, Jae, can you help me get in contact with @BTS_twt?
Me: No.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 6, 2018
It’s National Adoption Month. For those who’ve adopted children from overseas, do your parental duty & apply for their Certificate of Citizenship NOW. It’s the only document that will PROVE they are Americans who can enjoy all the rights as U.S. citizens.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 7, 2018
Next article coming up? An interview with @llama_ajol, who may be the best multi-tasker ever. Not sure who’s more excited about her first solo tour–Amber or her fans. One reason she wanted to tour the U.S. is to give back to her home country & show what Asian Americans can do!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 7, 2018
It’s not about the shirt. It’s more about the strained political climate between South Korea and Japan.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 9, 2018
Living in a freezing house has made me appreciate how my parents sacrificed to pay for my private university tuition. When I came home during winter break, the house would be warm & cozy. The minute I went back to school, my parents turned the heat down & wore their coats inside.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 10, 2018
I speak some Colonial Japanese, because my parents were forced to take Japanese names & speak Japanese. Still my parents had great respect for modern-day Japan. Imperial Japan’s ties to Nazi Germany’s indisputable. To conflate this to a performance by Korean artists is dangerous.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 12, 2018
In 2013, I wrote about how colonialization affected my family After my father died, we took my mother to Hawaii to visit Pearl Harbor. She had a visceral reaction that was painful to watch, as she remembered what Imperial Japan had done to Korea.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 12, 2018
The world is a fukcing mess when it tries to blame a musical group for the rancid political climate, rather than the disgusting old men who (as a whole) have been creating wars ad nauseam.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 12, 2018
“Big Hit doesn’t support any form of totalitarianism. We oppose these things & had no intention of causing harm to the historical victims. We’re contacting the atomic bomb victim associations in Japan&Korea to explain & apologize. We’ve also sent a letter apologizing to the SWC.”
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 13, 2018
Apologies are sometimes given not because they are warranted, but because the other person needs to hear them to move on. It’s a way of keeping peace.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 14, 2018
It snowed in Chicago so we left.
This is my first time meeting with a Dominican Republic hermit crab.
Say hello to my little friend. (Someone…and I’m not naming names…decided to call him RM.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 16, 2018
FYI: The heart eyes ON the glasses are life.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 18, 2018
Fact: The Dominican Republic prevents forest fires by raking seaweed off their beautiful beaches. Finland can confirm…
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 19, 2018
Dominican Republic ARMYs created a hashtag for my trip to their beautiful country. I have my very own hashtag!
I am overwhelmed by this welcome.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 20, 2018
Say hello to my little friend: RM the 2nd… (I didn’t name this one, either.)
Another beautiful day in the Dominican Republic!
(Thank you for awesome hashtag you created for me: #DRWelcomesJHK Best. Surprise. Ever!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 20, 2018
I’ll say it for Suga…Next stop: Academy Awards.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 21, 2018
On my last day in the Dominican Republic (
), I was having a conversation (in English) with a group of people. I was the only non-white person.
A man walked by and said, “Ni Hao!” (silence)
Then he tried, “Konnichiwa!” (dead silence)
Why do people do this?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 23, 2018
A Russian-Korean boy was bullied to death by his classmates because of his mixed race. One of the boys was caught wearing the victim’s winter jacket. Korea’s Russian community is hosting a discussion on Nov. 25. See @roboseyo‘s tweets below for more info:
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 24, 2018
Amber Liu: “I wanted to tour the U.S. because I feel I owe it to the community that I grew up in. I’m not trying to be the next big thing, but being part of this movement & showing that we exist and that we’re here is important to me.” My @chicagotribune column on @llama_ajol.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 26, 2018
As new immigrants to the U.S., our 1st car was a Toyota–not because it was a great brand (it wasn’t back then), but it was cheaper than the rest. We never dreamed that Korea would produce cars that others wanted. I’ve never had a Korean car. That may change.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 27, 2018
#SonOfJae (who loves correcting me): You said RM starts #SpringDay, but look, it’s J-Hope.
Me: They switched it up for some live performances, but it’s RM in the recording, followed by Jimin.
Also Me, but silently: IN YOUR FACE, SMALL CHILD OF MINE! #BTS— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 27, 2018
“Before Asian, we are Korean.” (I.M of @OfficialMonstaX, answering @THR‘s question about @BTS_twt)
Fandoms can create all the drama they want. But for the artists, it’s about being proud of their accomplishments, as well as those of their countrymen.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 28, 2018
Eight-passenger SUV? Let’s see, so I’ll drive and still have room for seven passengers. Seven. I wonder where I could find seven people?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 29, 2018
Tweenage me never imagined a time when Western artists would cover Korean songs. @ThePianoGuys said, “When so many people’re battling feelings of worthlessness, the positive message of @BTS_twt‘s #Epiphany (I’m the one I should love) is so important. #Jin
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 30, 2018
My doctor’s Indian & we talked about India’s Princess Suriratna, who traveled to Korea to marry King Kim Suro. She was known in Korea as Queen Hur Hwang-Ok. Millions of Koreans w/ the surname Kim are said to be descendants of this royal union. Maybe even me?
Have you heard this?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) November 30, 2018
Spent all day at my son’s basketball tournament and then came home and made kimchi fried rice. Now we’re all watching an old episode of #RunningMan with Big Bang as guests and they are hysterical! These old episodes are the best!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 3, 2018
Parents of my son’s friends’re asking me where they can buy @BTS_twt & KPop items for family members who’ve specifically requested them for the holidays. They’re also asking me about taekwondo lessons & where to buy Korean food.
All Korean, All the time!
생일 축하합니다 진!
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 4, 2018
If the ages been reversed, this article wouldn’t exist. This isn’t the 19th century. Nick, 26, isn’t a child. Priyanka, 36, didn’t have to trick him into anything. This piece’s culturally ignorant of Indian nuptials & deliberately dense about celebrity weddings. What’s the point?
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 5, 2018
What stuck w/me after I saw #BurnTheStageTheMovie was the kindness @BTS_twt exhibit to each other, their staff & their fans–and even to Yeontan (“pup-pees”). Suga also quietly paid homage to Jin being the eldest by saying his name 1st. My review #BTS
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 6, 2018
Despite the fact that the Grammys are not big on boy bands, I predict there will be at least one Grammy nomination for @BTS_twt tomorrow morning.
And if they aren’t, then they aren’t. Everyone will survive just fine.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 7, 2018
Yes, and regardless, they will still be multi-millionaires who get to do what they love for a living… And they will continue to fight to win a ramen cooker in their spare time.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 7, 2018
Another 1st!
Congrats to @BTS_twt, @bts_bighit & HuskyFox on this historic nomination. This is a huge step for S.Korean artists to be recognized among music’s elite on an international scale. Mark my words: There will be more noms for #BTS next year.#AsianRepresentation #Grammys
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) December 7, 2018
©JAE-HA KIM | All Rights Reserved
I had never heard of Jeremy Lin until I read your article to be honest and I am so glad I found it. He i such a talented, God-fearing young man. I hope that he rises like a phoenix. #linsanity is exciting!
The Jeremy Lin piece had me in tears. Thank you so much for writing it in such a heartfelt way.
I loved everything about this article, Ms. Kim. May Lin have a long future in basketball and may you keep on writing such thoughtful pieces like this for many years to come. Thank you so much for this.
LOL you’re incredibly stupid. She’s not a K Pop writer and she has literally written about thousands of people but you be you. The smart answer to the question would be that her followers love her stories about BTS and Korean dramas. But you’re too busy up in your girl groups’ ass to be capable of thinking about more than your unnirs.
You’re probably not capable of critical thinking but BTS is the only band that’s had critical and commerecial success in the USA. So why wouldn’t she write about them? Sorry but your faves aren’t doing well enough in the states to be covered by mainstream media. No need to hate.
But she’s not a kpop writer so why should she write about people who are irrelevant to her market? The only reason BTS is being covered is because they’re relevant.
Layla just wants attention which is why I didn’t respond to her on Twitter. She’s just a clout chaser and wants to drum up anger to feed her tl.
Lol that Layla is a BTS hater and she can’t seem to tweet about anything else but hating BTS.
Layla is a Tiffany Young stan. Hey Layla, guess who’s following Jae on Twitter? Tiffany Young.
Jealous? You should be.
lmao excellent!