By Jae-Ha Kim
July 9, 2021
As always, it started out as a simple tweet that people willfully decided to misinterpret and read into it what they wanted:
English is shoved on so many people as a global language. But when artists choose to sing in English, they’re accused of neglecting their culture. But when they sing in Japanese, not a peep. Being multilingual is an asset, especially today. Get over it. And used to it.
— Jae-Ha Kim 김재하 (@GoAwayWithJae) July 9, 2021
A bunch of K-pop fans took it upon themselves to be outraged on behalf of a group that I have covered favorably many times.
It’s never a good idea to send threatening photos over the internet. But a few people have pointed out that these are butt-ugly shoes that look uncomfortable to wear.
As for the liars, they’re not even good at it. They post screenshots of “proof” that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. That’s their gotcha moment.
I’m so glad they asked so politely and nicely. Where was I? I was busy writing a review of their 2020 album (All About Luv) … which was all in English. It’s easily accessible and not hidden behind a paywall, so I’m not sure why all these fine folks couldn’t find it.
Oh, it’s because they don’t care. They just want to be mean to someone and gain clout with their cronies. Oooooh, swearing at a verified checkmark. So edgy.
Why, yes, I am. Here are links to my articles and reviews on them. Monsta X (All About Luv, I.M, Shownu, Wonho), NCT 127 and Super M. Anyhow, these articles also are accessible and easy to find. But again, that’s not what today was about.
This behavior certainly isn’t limited to the K-pop world. However, the last fan of a non-Korean act to get this upset with me was a Clay Aiken stan, who was incensed that I pointed out that he forgot his lyrics in concert — a fact that he pointed out himself on stage and also later in our interview.
Most of these would-be sleuths share the I’m not like other girls energy. They seem to think that taking me down is some kind of accomplishment that’s worth bragging about. Or that I owe them a response. I won’t respond to these types of comments anymore. Why? Because they don’t want an answer. They just want to be angry.
Part of the issue with these hate threads is that it’s like a clumsy game of telephone, where one person makes a comment and by the time it reaches the last person, the meaning has completely changed. And that’s what they run with. They’re always screeching at others to do their research, but they are the first to concoct ridiculous conspiracy theories. But often, they have no idea why they’re mad at others, except that they were told to. And that little bit of praise they get from a ringleader makes it all worthwhile.
For instance, they keep calling me a hypocrite for my above tweet.
Their accusations about my “hatred” of Monsta X are based on fiction. My review of All About Luv ran in Variety and ended with this line:
“With All About Luv, Monsta X has proven that K-pop transcends language barriers. And that’s something to be happy about.”
But no good review goes unpunished. Quite a few K-pop fans chided me, saying Monsta X were flops and there was nothing revolutionary about a Korean group singing in English.
I beg to differ.
As for Super M, stans are upset from a benign comment I made to another journalist two years ago. Almost a week later, angry K-Pop stans saw that tweet and went on attack mode, accusing me of having written a biased article.
Plot twist: I. Did. Not. Write. It. This should have been obvious to anyone who can read and distinguish between two very different names.
To get perspective, here are some pertinent dates:
• October 13, 2019: Super M debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart.
• October 16: The Korea Herald releases an article titled, “Did Korean sales send SuperM’s debut album to top of Billboard chart?” This is the same day I responded to a Korean journalist’s post.
• October 18: Billboard releases an article explaining how the group charted at No. 1.
• October 22: Some of the group’s fans begin to harass me about my now six-day old comment, which I made days before the Billboard article was published.
So these people hang onto their hate for two years or more, waiting to pounce on whoever they decide to target. And they spew disgusting words like this:
These same stans are the first ones to scream bullying if I reply back to contradict their claims. Then they head into Phase 2 of victimhood and demand that I go back in time and expend as much energy on Group A as I did on Group B.
Stans always say that it’s just a small percentage of whichever fandom we’re talking about that are like this and that the majority are nice. This is probably true. However, when you have thousands of people swarming to your social media accounts to leave comments like this, it can be overwhelming for a person to soak in all this vitriol.
I will ask right back: Dee, do you only speak up for the people you like? Where were you when racists were ripping me apart online? Probably chortling that someone you disliked was being attacked. “Hypocrite.”
Anyhow, I may pop back on later to check grammar etc. and add onto this a bit. This post is for myself more than anyone else.
But for now, I will end with this comment made by a truly callous person, who saw that I had lost a member of our family, and decided it was the perfect time to dictate how I should grieve. This is probably the lowest thing I’ve read in a long time. And even though they’re an asshole, I hope that when death hits their family, they are treated with more compassion than they showed me.
The frequency of people harassing me on Twitter has grown exponentially over the past two years during this pandemic. I am so thankful that I started my career when there was no social media. The young reporters today dealing with this kind of vitriol … it can’t be easy for them.
It’s one thing when the detractors are younger people who are still in high school. But a good many of them are adults, who go out of their way to harass others. These two women apparently have PhDs in science. And yet they present their misguided opinions as fact. And their followers eat this up. (Thank you to everyone who shared these and other screenshots with me.)
These two supposedly are research scientists who still behave like petulant children who didn’t get invited to a birthday party. They have no idea how management, PR firms or publications operate. And yet here they are making libelous statements on purpose.
What I’ve come to realize is that no matter what the issues are, the majority of haters claim two things:
1. I’m jealous.
2. I’ve been paid by [INSERT WHOMEVER] to do someone’s bidding.
And not for nothing but … I have interviewed BTS, which isn’t difficult to fact check. So I can only assume that they are willfully spreading misinformation to beef up their own personal agenda.
It is incredulous that people continuously want to gatekeep my thoughts to the point where they get furious at every perceived slight against groups they like. Maybe everyone is just having a difficult time and this seems like a fun hobby … for them. They are literally no better than the trolls who antagonized Tablo.
I’ve found that muting the conversation and ignoring everyone works well. Maybe I’ll miss some relevant comments because of that, but I’m sure most people understand.
Anyhow, I hope all of these putrid haters try these chili crunch oils and experience mild discomfort. For the rest of you, I hope you enjoy this variety of spicy condiments as much as my family does.
Note: I have updated this a bit here and there. This post isn’t a rebuttal, so much as it is a time capsule of things at this time. Cheers!
© 2021 JAE-HA KIM | All Rights Reserved
lmao these people are about as dumb as you can get!
Anyone who writes about Kpop is a saint. You could not pay me enough money to deal with the moronic fans. They expect writers to be stans who only write about their favorite group. The minute you write about someone else, they turn on you. The profane and loud ones are literally all the same. It doesn’t matter what fandom. They are hateful, nasty, stupid lemmings who are essentially stunted in mental growth. The sad thing is that the majority of them who are attacking you are women/girls and also POC. They at raging jealous that you have access to men they will never meet. They are jealous that you have this opportunity because you put in decades of hard work and are now proudly promoting your own people. Meanwhile, these self-indulgent and entitled fiction writers – because that’s the majority of their “expose” threads – are unhappy with their own lives. Keep on doing the good work, Ms. Kim. If it hadn’t been for your work, I don’t think I would have found Kpop or Kdramas. Please know that there are more of us supporters than these brain-dead children (or adults who behave like children). These detractors are loud, but essentially have no power to do anything other than squawk. Let them revel in their own misery.
All of these assholes would literally kiss your ass in person. They are nothing more than braindead bullies and honestly operate like *rump fans. No cognotive thinking, just following the idiot leader, whoever tells them what they want to hear.
What got lost in all this “discussion” and I use that term in an ironic way is that Jae got Kpop groups into news syndication in prime sections of the newspapers. These articles ran online and in print, which is more prestigious for the groups. Monsta X for instance liked the articles enough to share them to Korean media, who wrote about them being written about in the prestigious Chicago Tribune. She has said that she had a difficult time getting her editors to agree to Kpop coverage because they didn’t want them. She is not a kpop writer but still wanted to help Korean groups get noticed. Instead of yelling at her you should be thanking her for working so hard to get coverage for Korean groups. Many of these vile people are sick in the head.
I hope every single one of these cretins are identified and kicked off social media. I wish social media had accountability and accounts were tied to ways to trace them in a way that they were held accountable for their actions. There would be less hatred like this thrown at people. The fact that the majority of these people are Asians and Black women themselves is a sad commentary on allies. And the fact that the majority of these are women is a sad commentary on misogyny. It all boils down to jealousy and entitlement. It needs to stop. They need to stop.
This is why everyone hates kpop stans. I like all the groups mentioned and I also like BTS even though I don’t stan them. But you know what? At the end of the day none of them have the suceess of BTS. It doesn’t bother me. I like what I like and it doesn’t matter who sells more to me because that is as stupid as saying that a person with money is better than a poor person. I hope this makes sense English isn’t native to me.
is she just ignoring the qrts cuz it’s embarrassing
why is it embarrassing that she’s ignoring you sociopaths?
Why are you linking to your own tweet you clout chaser? Just mind your own business and leave her alone.
The only ones who should be embarasssed are you asses.
They have one brain between them and have nothing original to say. I feel sorry for them. How are they going to survive in life getting this worked up over some band?
Why do they all say the same thing? lmao How many accounts does each stan have? Do they all have some kind of How to Harass Others For Dummies guidebook? I’m sorry you have to see these hateful words not because you can’t handle them, but because it shows that Darwinism hasn’t taken care of the lowest common denonimator yet.
So what if you write about BTS more than someone else? lol Why don’t they write about whoever they want to and leave you alone? They are so immature and irrational. Sad to think they think they are normal. Talk about hypocritical. They will pretend to be sad when someone who was bullied commits suicide but they are the first ones to push that kind of unhappiness on others. Keep on supporting Korean culture. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!
I’m Monbebe but I felt like you included them in your tweet since you mentioned artists and no one group. People are stupid. Sorry you had to see that. Most of us are mature and understood what you meant.
Are people that dumb that they don’t know why everyone writes about BTS more than other kpop groups? Whether you like them or not, you have to be an idiot not to acknowledge that the success they are having is unprecedented. When these other groups achieve that sort of fame, they will be written about ad nauseum as well.
It’s like asking why there are more articles about the Beatles than Herman’s Hermits. I mean… Both are English bands but one of them is a superstar group that everyone knows about and the other had one hit.
It appears that to crazy stans, you are biased or unprofessional if you don’t give the exact same coverage or the same number of tweets about every single Korean group, except for the ones they hate.
Thank you so much for the good laugh. I’m not the brightest tool in the shed, but I can run circles around these morons. Hope they didn’t make you feel bad. If anything it should make you feel good that there are so many people who are obsessed with everything that you do. They need Jesus in their life. lol
I can tell these are all idiots because almost all of them in the QTs say the same thing and include three groups Monsta X, NCT 15,000, and SperM. No genuine fandom does this. They just include their own faves. These are all SperM and NCT 15,000 stans who are using Monsta X for clout and hate. As a long time Monbebe, that doesn’t sit right with me especially when they’re making generations and lies but not with any receipt that shows this hatred. Keep on doing your hard work. These are jealous and sad jobless people with no education. Sad.
I am speechless at how vile these creatures are. I hope none of them breed ever. What hateful children they would raise. There is no goodness in their hearts, just hate and jealousy for someone more successful than them and who has access to their oppars. All the ones talking about trading sex for coverage have serious issues. I believe they accuse others of such acts because it is what they have done or would do if given the chance. They are nothing more than run of the mill groupies who would sell their souls to hook up with their oppars.
Yikes! These people are insane! what the hell? I don’t like BTS’s latest song and think it’s one of their worst ones ever. But none of that means that I hate them or think it’s because it was in English. It’s just a weak song with a weak melody.
While their faves are problematic and anti Black, BTS’s Permission to Dance was diverse and even included ASL and not only English. Also they’re just salty because BTS is the most famous band in the world and their fans will never achieve that kind of fame. I don’t fault them for wanting western validation but I also don’t fault western listeners for not liking every KPop group in the world just because BTS is famous. I don’t even like KPop because I generally don’t like boy band or girl band music. I’m not a fan of Ariana or even Ga Ga and yes I know those two aren’t in girl groups but that style of music isn’t for me. Just my opinion.
my takeaway is that people should be allowed to change. armys who made fun of monsta x and said they shouldn’t sing in english were wrong in my opinion, but if armys changed their mind because of bts, so what? it’s really immature to say that a person has to have the same mindset today as they did a year ago, or 2 years ago, or 5 years ago. no one committed a crime. people like what they like and some of ya’ll are making a mountain out of a molehill for no other reason than to cause drama.
The SM stans are the absolute worst. I love that you’re not giving them the time of day. Drives them crazy! hahahahaha
Why is everyone so concerned about pointing out the ratio on the bird app? first of all all it proves is that there are a lot of overtly stsupid people who can’t read or comprehend the English language but still insist on opening their mouth. or fingers. second of all, it’s not being ratio’d when a clear majority of people agree with what you said and aren’t making things up to pretend to be woke.
Assholes like that @lubaekcock are the worst. They don’t even try to hide their hateful agenda. What a lowlife excuse for a human being.
That weirdo really threatening you with that sword? All this over some Kpop performers? They are seriously deranged and should be reported and kicked off social media. I imagine that they say these things to children and others who may be having difficult times mentally. I don’t mean they should say these to you at all but you always handle these cretins with such grace. Fighting!!!
Great post. Thank you for sharing your experience. As a father, it frightens me that this is what my children may face with online bullying. The frequency of these baseless attacks on you is truly shameful, not to mention embarrassing for THEM. They are exactly like all the brain-dead losers (or as they would say it, “loosers”) who believed the lies that led to Trump being elected. Kudos for not stooping to their level and for not engaging with them on Twitter. They want attention and it’s killing them that they’re not getting it from you. It is likely that many of them will leave a digital trail that will out their true identities one day.
I went to your tweet the other day and spent some time blocking almost everyone in your QTs. Some weren’t horribly offensive but they were sheep who lacked braincells.
I did too. I felt almost guilty using it but the more of those trolls kicked off of Twitter the better.
This so called “military wife” made this tweet this morning and said “The same person who drag monstax ?” I linked it in website info area so you can see that unlike her I’m not making this up. Can you imagine how angry this woman would be if we made up things about her?
They’re even picking on you for being earning money as a journalist? lol “Jae ha kim is paid media!” I suppose they intend on working for free? Weirdos using you for clout. Free loader losers!
I suppose the only trustworthy journalists are the ones who are writing and reporting for free and sitting at home starving to death beacause of how honourable they are. lmao These whiny complainers are oddballs and unnecessarily loud.
Please tell me these are children. Surely adults can’t be this pathetic!
Can someone explain to me why all these crazy people accuse Jae of “hating English stuff” but the screenshots they post have nothing to do with that? This weirdo is just one of them. I guess it’s supposed to be some kind of “expose thread?” But it doesn’t make any sense? Also, why are they parked in her mentions when the article they’re upset with was written by a Korean man in Seoul? Can these people not tell the difference?
I can’t attach a screenshot here but here’s the link and they’re all like this
Yah, I found it odd that not one of those psychos put together two and two that their expose thread exposes nothing but Jae’s compassion for the group. Maybe they stan SM and if they do, they’re even dumber than they look.
They’re stupid and care more about pleasing their online friends than acting like hyenas towards a Korean reporter who actually promoted their bands. Their faves would be appalled at their behavior. Anyhow most of these commenters are women and girls and they are just incredibly jealous of anyone successful who has access to their faves. The worst ones have faces that would stop a clock, so jealousy certainly is a factor here.
No matter how young these people are, if they are old enough to be on Twitter and the internet, they are old enough not to behave this way. They are human garbage and wastes of space.
But…you said artists. You didn’t mention any one group. Why does everyone think you are excluding their favorites?
To be fair to the morons, she tweeted on the same day that a BTS song came out so that set them off. But I agree with you. She said artists and that means all the artists who sang in English so I don’t know why everyone’s so pressed.
P, it’s Sara! Haven’t seen you in ages! I’ll call you soon. I just saw an exchange where Jae explained that she had reviewed the album and supported them. But the complainer basically say she didn’t equally call out everything on every group on Twitter and that makes Jae a hypocrite.
It’s right here, i couldn’t make this up
There are literally thousands of these assholes who harass her constantly. But they expect her to insert herself into every fan war. These stans are entitled brats.
Sara, it seems that they are unusually harsh on her, moreso than other journalists and I can’t help but wonder why they hold her to a higher standard than other. They certainly expect more from her than they do from themselves. Music should be fun, but when people want to control who says what and what, that’s not fun.
That bitch threatening your with the sword and mask must wear old lady orthopedic shoes lmao Pathetic bitch! A bunch of us reported her. Twitter won’t do anything but remove her tweet probs.
Good grief the shit you put up with. There should be more accountability on social media so that it’s not 100% anonymous. Anyhow I hope you review the new Monsta X album review too. Your All About Luv review was one of the best. You got it!
All of these little bitches and their parents who raised them this way need a good swift kick to their shin (as per kdrama lore). At the very least, they should have to hold a bucket of water over their heads and apologize to you. Their idols would be mortified to know they speak to you in this illiterate and cruel manner. You have more supporters than detractors. These losers will always be losers and won’t be able to achieve anything in life. Even if they get a degree and earn money, they will always be hateful people.
I read a lot of the hater comments and the common theme is that you supported your friends so therefore that makes you a hypocrite for not raving about the Rolling Stone cover. lmao These losers think that everyone that you interact with on the internet is your friend. I dislike people like this, because they are overly dense, overly proud, and have no clue how stupid and ridiculous they sound to regular people who don’t judge others for liking more than one group. Dear God, this is what it has all come down to on stan Twitter?
To me the Rolling Stone cover article was a recap of everything else that had already been said. Honestly until a journalist gets the nerve to ask different questions and challenge these groups on their answers, rather than these vetted questions about their thought process and all that, there may as well not be any new interviews. Why didn’t the journalist ask them if they were trying so hard to win a Grammy so that they would get exempted from military duty. That’s what it looks like to every Korean man on the outside looking in. It is obvious to us that that is what all these English songs are about. And if they’re not, fine. But why not ask them and print their reaction.
ARMYs were absolutely vile to you when you wrote a very nice review of Monsta X and their album they sang in English. But when BTS does it so obviously trying to grab a Grammy nomination, it’s artistic and fine. Those ARMYs owe you an apology. But they all have double standards. Yell at you, but if someone yells at them they play victim.
BTS fans are just as bad as any other fandom. Maybe they are worse because there are so many of them.
Mrs Kim you might want to sue this Omer who is constantly slandering you with lies and made up facts she pulled out of her bitter ass. She is obsessed with you at her big age of 40 and calling herself a doctor. She is a big account and doesn’t practice what she preaches. She is the first one to slander other people and sick her rabid followers onto others. This isn’t the first time. Just be careful Mrs. Kim of people like her!
You can’t sue her for that and she was right so what? Stay pressed
OK Omer, thanks for using another of your aliases!
What’s going on?
This old woman named Omer who tweets like a 13 year old cyberbully. She literally makes things up about Mrs. Kim and gets her horde of crazies to harass her. She complained before about Mrs. Kim not covering up someone’s name on Instagram’s stories and called it harassment when in fact Mrs. Kim has just a smol following there. Dr. Omer as she calls herself has 30k following her and trusting her and she is obviously a very jealous and unprofessional person. She
Is this all because Jae shared info about a birthday party for JK? What’s the problem? It was free and looks like a good time.
yeah the gatekeepers for the group have decided who is a worthy fan and who isn’t. they’re pissed that jae shared an event for jungkook and claim that she is jealous lol and got paid lol and a bunch of other lies that sound too stupid to come from adult mouthes. but here we are.
I used to love all of Omer’s tweets and thought she was a good advocate for BTS but have blocked her because of her bullying and the way she twists the narrative to suit her needs. I also don’t like a non Korean woman referring to them as boys when they are grown men almost in their thirties. Rubs me the wrong way. She’s one of those queen bee women who are jealous of other women, esp other minorities who’re successful. Sad really. She’s an engineer supposedly and in her late 40s I think so you would think a big person like that would know better and also be more understanding. I could go through all of her tweets and twist them too except I’m not a witch.
Still waiting for her to find this and claim we’re bullying her and then post doctored ss on her massive Twitter page to cry to her followers.
I actually love how you ignore all of the haters and go about living your best life, doing what you want to do, which is what these haters and trolls are unable to do. The best revenge is living a good life. My best wishes to you and your family, Jae. These trolls are not worth your time and it’s so obvious that they are upset at not getting attention from you. I don’t know why everyone is hiding the names of these embolded hateres. Dr. Omer Meroz is one of the worst instigators, whose specialty is virtue signaling. @/MicheBangtan is another one who cannot stand to see a strong woman living her best life. That one went on for days after you didn’t say BTS’s collab was the best thing you had ever heard. To see these women going after a person of color, a Korean woman, shows that some bullies never outgrow their tween years.
I follow you on socials and am appalled by how horrible these people are and how much ownership they feel they have over everyone, including you. They simply cannot grasp that they cannot control you like they can these K Pop groups who are also disgusting in how they pretend everything is fine in their fandom. These groups are in it for the money and don’t care about ARMY or anyone else.
I had to make my accts private because they harassed me nonstop when I said to leave you alone. They get off on this and it makes them feel like they have power when in reality they are just pathetic women with too much time on their hands and too much hate in their hearts.
Unsolicited advice that I offer: I would stop replying to any weirdo with a K Pop group avatar from now on. They are more trouble than they’re worth. Keep up the great work, Jae! There are more of us out here who are fans. I don’t care if we disagree with you occasionally. That’s a good thing in my mind to see a different perspective. But these children or childish K Pop fans have lost their damned minds. The adults are particularly disgusting the way they talk. They should know better by now. Hwaiting!
Reading these disguisting tweets and seeing how these “fans of Korean culture” treat you just validates my feeling that these non Koreans are racist and sexist as hell. Their tweets are screaming ‘How to say you hate Koreans (except for your favorite boy band) without saying you hate Koreans’. Fuck all these cretins. They are racist and sexist and stupid.
It’s rather sad that these people think they’re doing something by blocking users or subtweeting bitch comments about them. Walk on grass, have a glass of wine, call your mother, how about doing something to improve your own life before patting yourself on the back for piling on someone just for shits and giggles. All of these people are losers. Or as they probably call themselves, “loosers.’ I don’t agree with my own family. Why would I expect agree with everything that a complete stranger says. These same nasty women are the ones who pretend to be sad when there is K-pop suicide and tsk tsk about how awful netizens are. Guess what? They ARE the netizens. They won’t be happy until you’re dead, Ms. Kim. We know you’re a winner and a survivor. Just once, I wish you would tell them to fuck off, especially the older louder popular ones who should know better. Does Omer’s boss know that she gets her rocks off bullying other women? All over a K-pop group that could not give a fuck about her? Insanity. Thanks for letting me vent.
Imagine these women thinking that Jae’s jealous of people who’ve interviewed BTS when she herself has already interviewed BTS. Or the company stans who think Big Hit/Hybe/Whatever is doing something great by controlling every detail of the interviews. They applaud that. At that points it’s not journalism anymore, it’s PR. BTS is a fine group but there’re not the Beatles. They won’t be remembered in 20 years. BTS is not the Beatles and never will have that kind of fame or critical recognition. And to people to characterize Jae as jealous, why would she be jealous of a K-Pop group when she’s interviewed Keanu Reeves, Idris Elba, and Britney Spears. They are legends. BTS is a cute group.
Just finished reading this entire thread and the comments and did my own research. Wowie. These people need serious psychiatric help. It’s gross how they refer to grown men as “boys” and talk about suing others in every other sentence. I had assumed all of these were children. It’s astounding to see that the majority are older women in theirs 30’s and 40’s who definitely should know better. It does not sit well with me at all that they are constantly trying to tell you what you should write, how you should think, and how you should treat them with kid gloves. But when they are called out, they’re being “bullied” by “checkmarks” and “clout seekers.” Stan culture would make a great subject for a serious dissertation. But it would have to be written by someone with a psychiatric background to properly assess this dangerous breeding ground for hatred. I’m sorry you have to see this type of behavior. From the outside looking in, what it all boils down to is a group of angry women who are unhappy with their own lives and don’t feel satisfied until they bring others down with them. Stay strong and keep on doing what you do. Without your work, I never would have gotten interested in my own culture. As an adoptee, Korean woman, and fan of pop culture, I thank you and encourage you to stay strong!
Why are these strange people categorizing you as a kpop writer when you hardly write about kpop? lmao Typical idiot lemmings.
I find it fascinating that some of these stans are upset if you don’t call their fandoms by the name and refer to them as fans. LOL What a bunch of loony toon brats. ARMY are fans. Monbebe are fans. Orbit are fans. What’s their problem? What a bunch of immature souls. I don’t care how old they are, 12 or 52. They shouldn’t behave this way. Unacceptable.
Those scientists are pathetic. Imagine working all those years in academia and sounding like a wild hyena on social media. Why are they so obsessed with you anyhow? When I don’t like someone, I just ignore them. I don’t constantly follow them and harass them. Weirdos.
The older ones should know better but I’m not going to excuse the younger ones either. They are all disgusting pigs. Calling them crazy doesn’t do justice.
LMAO I love these posts. You’re so classy, because I would out all of them and contact their employers to show them what kind of people they have working for them. They are immoral liars. They’re mad because a fanclub is throwing a party to celebrate Jungkook’s birthday. All this talk about who’s a true fan vs a solo or an anti. What difference does is make? Only little kids care and all it sounds is like a bunch of overaged mean girls determining who is and isn’t worthy and trying to exclude people from their ‘exclusive’ club. It’s so disgusting. They make me sick!