K.Will’s “No Sad Song For My Broken Heart” explores a one-sided gay relationship

By Jae-Ha Kim
June 23, 2024

On October 11, 2012, K.Will released a music video for his evocative song “이러지마 제발 (Please Don’t…),” which starred Sistar’s Dasom and models/actors Seo In-guk and Ahn Jae-hyun. Directed by Zanybros’ Hong Won-ki, the slightly less than four-minute video depicted a love triangle where one of the parties was left broken hearted. The surprise ending left many viewers with a visual punch to the gut.

For those who haven’t seen it yet, please consider watching it. You’ll better understand the sequel I’m going to address shortly.

“이러지마 제발 (Please Don’t…)”

🚨 From this point on, I am going to be discussing the plot of both music videos, which were released 12 years apart.

The first time I watched the “이러지마 제발 (Please Don’t…)” video, I thought it was going to have a “Sixth Sense” kind of ending — the kind where we assume that the protagonist sees dead people. [Because we don’t know the names of the characters, I’m going to refer to them by the actors’ surnames.]

Instead, what we get is the revelation that the character portrayed by Seo is heartbroken — not because he’s jealous of the other man (Ahn), but because he’s anguished that the woman (Dasom) is marrying the man he loves.

I view this plot in one of two ways: Ahn isn’t gay but knows — or pretends not to notice — that his best friend is in love with him. Or, Seo and Ahn had been in a romantic relationship previously. But unable to commit to coming out as gay man in a homophobic society, Ahn marries a woman who is unaware of his true feelings.

Seo In-guk, Dasom and Ahn Jae-hyeon in “이러지마 제발 (Please Don’t…)”

“Love Wins All”

If you’d like to watch another amazing music video, I highly recommend IU’s “Love Wins All.” You may read my analysis of that video here.
IU and BTS member V is the music video for “Love Wins All”

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