Go Away With … Gia Kim

“Even before I knew I was going to get to play the part, I was very excited when I saw the breakdown of the character,” said “XO, Kitty” star Gia Kim. “She was described as this queer, Korean, queen bee. I’ve never seen that combination in a character before. There are so many aspects to her that I thought, ‘She’s gonna just be a whole new archetype of a character. And I’m so thankful it was me who got cast to play her.’”

Go Away With … Amielynn Abellera

“I visited the Philippines for the first time when I was 12, for a cousin’s wedding,” “The Pitt actress Amielynn Abellera remembered. “I don’t think I was conscious of it at the time, but deep down, I think I was expecting to have a pivotal experience with a deeply shared connection to the people, culture and land. Upon arrival, however, I felt disconnected, isolated and even more of a minority than I ever had. I didn’t speak the language, the locals treated me differently and put me on a pedestal because I was an American.”