Dino Lingo

Dino Lingo has reached out and given me FIVE foreign language-learning programs to give away to my followers. If you’re one of the winners, you get to pick from any of the 45 language programs that they offer (including Korean, French and Croatian). Dino Lingo will send a code to input at checkout to all the winners. #WinWithJae

“Yes, My Accent Is Real”

Kunal Nayyar was so much fun to interview (see my post below). Many of you already know that he has written an autobiographical book called, “Yes, My Accent Is Real: And Some Other Things I Haven’t Told You.” His publisher has given me a copy of his book to giveaway to one luck winner. Want it? Let me know! #WinWithJae

Pororo Gift Pack Giveaway

Pororo is getting the movie star treatment, with a 103-minute DVD release in the United States, featuring the vocal talents of Drake Bell, Rob Schneider and Jon Heder. To celebrate, I’m hosting a gift pack giveaway that includes the movie, toys, a backpack and more! #WinWithJae

Chris Hadfield’s “An Astronaut’s Guide to Life On Earth”

One of my most popular columns was on Commander Chris Hadfield. You know — the Canadian astronaut who sang “Space Oddity.” In space! He has a book out called “An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth” and I’ve teamed up with his publisher (Little, Brown & Co.) to give away two books. I’ve read it, and I enjoyed it very much. I think you will, too. #WinWithJae

Christa Wells’ new CD “Feed Your Soul”

A long time ago, when I was a teenager, I was on a roll winning contests. I won tickets to see Culture Club in concert. I was selected for a hair and makeup makeover. I won albums and boxes of chocolate. But, the biggest prize I won was a trip to San Diego to see the Knack (of “My Sharona” fame). #WinWithJae

Bring “Babar” home

For this week’s contest, I’ve teamed up with eOne to giveaway a copy of the “Babar Adventure Pack ($19.98). Based on the children’s books by Jean and Laurent de Brunhoff, this 3-disc collection features the chaming elephant king and his friends, as they navigate their way through adventures that test their loyalty, friendship and patience. #WinWithJae