“Ghost” (aka “Phantom”) (유령)

“My motto is, ‘Don’t believe anything with a mouth.'” That’s sound advice, coming from Kwon Hyuk Joo (aka Crazy Cow), the head of the cyber unit. And that’s also good advice when trying to figure out who’s telling the truth in this 2012 police procedural.

“The Master’s Sun” (주군의 태양)

As with many series, “The Master’s Sun” would’ve benefited from some judicious editing. Too much time is spent on whether or not this couple will get together. We all know they will end up together. That’s a given. The real meat of the storyline is Gong-Sil’s ability to put restless souls at ease. When she goes all Nancy Drew and he revs up his inner Remington Steele, they are perfection.

“I’m Sorry, I Love You” (미안하다 사랑한다)

A popular K-Drama starring So Ji Sub, “I’m Sorry, I Love You” (“미안하다 사랑한다”) is an uneven drama dealing with love, revenge and redemption. Too long at 16 hours, the series relies on its lead actor’s charisma to make up for the plot holes.

“The Little Penguin: Pororo’s Racing Adventure” (뽀로로의 슈퍼 썰매 대모험)

So, what the heck is a Pororo, you ask? If you can’t tell by the cover, it’s an adorable little animated penguin. In South Korea, where the “Pororo The Little Penguin” series made its debut in 2003, it’s the show for the preschool/kindergarten set. While it airs in more than 80 countries around the world (including Brazil, Australia, France, India and the United Kingdom), the show never made a concerted effort to break the U.S. market.