Would “Friends” Work in the 2010s?

I’ve always been one who has loved TV and never understood people who said, “I don’t watch TV.” I love TV and wish I had more time for it. I really don’t watch much TV these days — not because I don’t want to, but because of lack of time. When I do have an hour or two to spare, I watch K-dramas (Korean Dramas). They’re just more interesting to me now.

“Best of Friends” by Jae-Ha Kim

In just 128 pages, this juicy paperback springs so much Friends trivia on you you’ll be lousy with the stuff. The factoids come atcha in the form of quizzes, early-years episode recaps and even photo captions. Author Jae-Ha Kim exposes her obsession with NBC’s last true “must-see” TV hit, at the same time drawing out our own obsessions.

‘Friends:’ The ones we remember

Over the past decade, “Friends” has had its share of ups and downs. Some seasons — especially the last two — have been less than stellar, but the shows have been entertaining more often than not. Here’s hoping Thursday’s finale will give us something truly worth remembering. In the meantime, here are one viewer’s 10 favorite “Friends” episodes.

‘Friends’ as lovers

With the amount of time they spend together, you wouldn’t think the characters on “Friends” would have a spare moment to even think about hooking up with anyone else. While they couldn’t compete with, say, Samantha Jones, when it comes to the sheer number of romantic conquests, these six friendly New Yorkers have had their share of relationships.

‘Friends’-isms: the lingo of Generation Y

Just as “I know you are, but what am I?” became equated with Pee-wee Herman, and “Yeah, that’s the ticket,” is instantly associated with Jon Lovitz’s “Liar” character on “Saturday Night Live,” “How you doin?” has become the cheesy pickup line everyone can laugh at, thanks to a clueless but lovable Joey Tribbiani.

‘The Rachel’ remains a cut above the rest

Even if you don’t know much about “Friends,” chances are you remember “The Rachel.” Jennifer Aniston’s hair took on a life of its own a few episodes into the show’s debut season, when her character showed up with a striking new hairstyle: Gone were her long, semicurly locks. In their place was a fluffy, layered ‘do — a modified shag.

I’ll be square for you

For a show that’s not really about fashion, “Friends” has had its share of, um, eye-catching looks. From Chandler’s hair (yes, Chandler’s — not Rachel’s) to Joey’s eyebrows to Ross’s armadillo suit, the $1 million-an-episode stars have been willing to appear in getups that are unconventional, unflattering and sometimes just plain goofy

Is DVD best of `Friends’?

Six years ago, I fell in love. Hard. Not with a man, but with a television sitcom called “Friends.” I loved it so much that in 1995, I wrote a book about the series called Best of Friends (HarperPerennial). For the record, I never wrote a book about any of my ex-boyfriends.

`Scream 3′ making big noise

In “Scream 3,” the movie’s heroine asks a detective what he knows about trilogies. He answers, “In the third one, all bets are off.” All bets are on that the latest entry in the “Scream” franchise will fare as well as its predecessors. After opening last Friday, “Scream 3” went on to gross $34.7 million in its first weekend–more than all the rest of the films in the top 10 combined.

`Friends’ in need: They’re hits on TV – but mere blips on the big screen

Where have all the “Friends” fans gone? Sure, millions of fans tune in each week to watch the comely sextet sort out their problems in their impossibly spacious Manhattan apartments. But when it comes to the stars’ films, fans seem to prefer staying home sipping cappuccinos.

A First-Rate `Friends’ With Guests From High Places

Julia, Jean-Claude, Chris and Brooke joined Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Chandler, Ross and Joey in a special “Friends” Sunday night, and the high-profile guest stars proved a hilarious addition to the cast. The one-hour episode, titled “The One After the Super Bowl,” compared to the best of “Friends” – and that includes last season’s hourlong sweeps special where Monica (Courteney Cox) and Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) tried to one-up each other on a double date with guest stars George Clooney and Noah Wyle from “E.R.,” and the episode where all the pals made and broke a pact to spend New Year’s Eve dateless.

Courteney Cox gets big break by dancing with `The Boss’

People who recognize Courteney Cox remember her as the girl who danced with Bruce Springsteen in the “Dancing in the Dark” video. Although Cox did little more than look enthused and dance with “The Boss,” her 20 seconds of video exposure opened the door for her in Hollywood.