Return of the Ajeossi Actors (Part 2)

You asked for more ajeossi actors and we’re here to deliver. Who do you think made it onto this list of six top actors of a certain age?
Journalist, Author & Syndicated Columnist
You asked for more ajeossi actors and we’re here to deliver. Who do you think made it onto this list of six top actors of a certain age?
Are coffee sticks really popular in Korea? Are engagement rings really that modest? And why do convicts leaving prison eat tofu? I’m here to answer all those K-Drama questions and more…
Breaking up is never easy. But for celebrities, they have the additional burden of having their private lives exposed in public. Unlike Song Hye-Kyo and Song Joong-Ki — who in June quietly announced their plans to divorce — Ku Hye-Sun and Ahn Jae-Hyun are having a more contentious dissolution of marriage, thanks to a series of social media posts in which Ku claims she doesn’t want a divorce. Ahn responded by saying that what his wife acknowledged publicly doesn’t align with her actions.
I finished watching the final episode of “Kill Me, Heal Me” early this morning, and I am left with a sense of melancholy — not because the ending was unhappy (it wasn’t), but because the series was so good I wanted to see more. This K-Drama unravels at a languid pace. As each new backstory is revealed, it felt like a jolt to my heart.
K-Dramas tackle topics not often talked about in everyday conversation. By doing so, they bring some important subject matters, like adoption, to the forefront.