Chansung’s Getting Married and Having a Baby! (& More 2PM Info!)

2PM’s Chansung is getting married and expecting a baby with his long-time fiancée! Let’s catch up with the idol actor and his bandmates.
Journalist, Author & Syndicated Columnist
2PM’s Chansung is getting married and expecting a baby with his long-time fiancée! Let’s catch up with the idol actor and his bandmates.
Congratulations to actor So Ji-Sub and reporter Jo Eun-Jung on their marriage. Fighting!
Earlier this year, my husband said we should go somewhere nice this winter. I asked why? He just stared at me. Oh, yeah. It’s our 10-year wedding anniversary.
Sharon Skonie and Tom Martin dated for three years and were engaged for 18 months prior to their wedding almost a decade ago. By all accounts, they knew each other very well. But as devout Catholics, they also knew they would have to take part in pre-Cana, where they would meet with an already married couple and then later their priest to discuss marriage issues. “Pre-Cana was a requirement for us to get married in the Catholic church, so the idea of getting [pre-marital counseling] didn’t come as a surprise to us,” says Sharon Skonie Martin of Bolingbrook. “I was actually really looking forward to it because I wanted to get to know Tom better.
Go ahead. Feel sorry for single people. View them as less than, as the smug marrieds do in Bridget Jones’s Diary. But guess what? There’s a growing contingent of folks out there who are single by choice, and loving it. “There’s no question that the pendulum is swinging in a different direction,” says Xavier Amador, co-author of Being Single in a Couples’ World (Fireside, $12). “Singles are happy being single. It’s a different world we live in these days.