All the K-Drama Moments You Didn’t Know Were Real

Pojangmacha? Piggyback rides? Students cleaning classrooms? Just what is going on in K-Dramas?!
Journalist, Author & Syndicated Columnist
Pojangmacha? Piggyback rides? Students cleaning classrooms? Just what is going on in K-Dramas?!
There’s never a guarantee that a successful child actor will grow up to be a famous leading man or leading woman. For every Natalie Portman who matures into an Academy Award-winning actress, you have a slew of performers like Macaulay Culkin, who were beloved as children, but didn’t fare as well in their 20s and 30s.
Ahn Nae-Sang is one of my favorite actors. He has a small role in this K-Drama, but it’s pivotal. He plays the king, who prepares his son (played by Kim Soo-Hyun) for his role as the nation’s leader. He comes across as cold in the beginning, showering little affection of either of his sons.
I am a complete sucker for shows that stress the importance of childhood relationships — the kind that last from adolescence through adulthood. And K-Dramas are chock full of them.
My name isn’t uncommon in Korea. But, as you can imagine, I never had to worry about a classmate sharing my first name after we immigrated to Chicago. On the other hand, whenever my friends and I went to the mall to buy keychains or anything that had a name pre-printed on it, I never found my name listed anywhere along with the Julies and Kevins. Imagine my delight when I started watching Korean Dramas and saw characters who share my name!