The best time travel K-dramas — and why there are so many of them

Time travel adds a relatively unique element that differentiates K-drama storylines from other shows, but there is also a very visceral component. K-drama story arcs excel at telling tales of love and revenge. And what better way is there to get these points across than depicting how love and revenge transcend all boundaries, including time?

“A Time Called You” (너의 시간 속으로)

A remake of the Taiwanese series “Someday or One Day,” the Korean version of this time-travel drama isn’t always easy to follow. But if you suspend your belief in reality and just go with the flow, you will find yourself immersed in a compelling plot that centers on love, while it also navigates story arcs about guilt, gaslighting and a, erm, serial killer.

Go Away With … Maurene Goo

In Maurene Goo’s novel “Throwback” (Zando Young Readers, $16.99), teenage protagonist Samantha goes back to the ’90s, where she befriends her 17-year-old mother, Priscilla. Satirical, humorous and thoroughly engaging, Goo’s novel also reflects on how what was once accepted as the norm – casual racism played off as a joke – is problematic when viewed through our modern lens.

“Hello, Me!” (안녕? 나야!)

“Hello, Me!” is about Ha-Ni, a high school beauty who seemed destined for success. Instead, she grows up to become a mouse-of-a woman who has lost her drive, popularity and — seemingly most importantly — her looks. Through some miraculous force, 16-year-old Ha-Ni appears in modern day Ha-Ni’s life, causing confusion for everyone concerned.

“Kairos” (카이로스)

“Kairos” starts off promising and is reminiscent of the best elements of “Signal.” But where the latter kept the suspense going until the end, “Kairos” fizzles out midway, with redundant story arcs and some characters that are not only irredeemable, but highly unlikeable. And I’m not talking just about the villains.

“Signal” (시그널)

“Signal” makes you ponder the consequences of altering life. Is it fate for a person to die at a certain time, no matter how horrific that death might be? And knowing that saving someone’s life in the past could create catastrophic results in the future, would you still take that chance?

“Be With You” (지금 만나러 갑니다)

If you could re-live a part of your life, knowing that the time you had with your loved ones would be fleeting, would you risk it? The Korean feature film “Be With You” (지금 만나러 갑니다) offers this intriguing concept. It wasn’t perfect, but it made my heart hurt … and happy.

“Somehow 18” (어쩌다 18)

Some might say that there is no way that a young man who looks like Choi Min-Ho (of the idol group SHINee) — even if he’s wearing glasses and having a bad-hair day — would be bullied. But what I liked about this casting was that it reinforces the point that no one is immune from being harassed. And no one is immune from being depressed and wanting to end their lives.

“My Love From Another Star” (별에서 온 그대)

Sold as a romantic comedy, “My Love From Another Star” definitely delivers on that front. But it’s also a wonderful story about true love, alienation and sacrifice.

“Miss Granny” (수상한 그녀)

A huge hit in South Korea, where it was filmed, “Miss Granny” doesn’t have a unique plot. But, director Hwang Dong-hyuk deftly takes an old premise (an elderly woman finds herself magically transformed into a 20 year old) and adds some new twists and social commentary. The result? A charming comedy full of music and scenes that will tug at your heart.