“Legend of the Black Scorpion”

Tackling William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, director Xiaogang Feng presents a unique take on the bard’s famous play with the action drama “Legend of the Black Scorpion,” which is beautifully filmed and well acted.
Journalist, Author & Syndicated Columnist
Tackling William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, director Xiaogang Feng presents a unique take on the bard’s famous play with the action drama “Legend of the Black Scorpion,” which is beautifully filmed and well acted.
A remake of the 1983 film of the same name, “Zu Warriors” is a martial arts drama set in a fantasy world where stoic warriors battle a powerful demon. With each kill, the horrific beast consumes their souls, making himself stronger and more difficult to slay.
In both the book “Memoirs of a Geisha” and its film adaptation, women fall into two categories: sexy geisha and conniving dragon ladies, two stereotypes about Asian women that linger today. Already some members of the Asian-American community are worried that the film, which opens locally Friday, may reinforce unflattering images of Asian women as being submissive, sexual objects.
We live in a time when the media tell us who we are. What “Lost” has done is tell the world what Asians aren’t. We aren’t all martial arts experts. We aren’t all college educated and over-employed. We’re not always the model minority. We don’t all own dry-cleaning businesses. And just as importantly, we’re not all nice.